Global Site Index
- #11145 (no title)
- 01 – NRA Magazine Covers
- 3D-Printed Firearms
- 5 Things You Can Do Now to Stop Gun Violence
- American Indian/Alaska Native Victims of Lethal Firearm Violence in the United States – Social Media Graphics
- Victimización letal de hispanos/latinos con armas de fuego en California Social Media Graphics
- About the VPC
- American Roulette – Social Media Graphics
- American Roulette: Murder-Suicide in the United States – Social Media Graphics
- As NRA, Gun Industry Promote Guns for Self-Defense During COVID-19 Crisis, VPC Research Details More Than 1,370 Examples of Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Since 2007
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States – Social Media Graphics
- Black Homicide Victimization in the United States: An Analysis of 2017 Homicide Data – Social Media Graphics
- Black Homicide Victimization – Social Media Graphics
- Bushmaster and Other Gun Manufacturers’ Militarized Marketing Exposed in New Slide Show from Violence Policy Center
- Comments of Ashcroft Background Check Proposal
- Conclusion
- Contact information
- contribute
- Cross-Border Gun Trafficking
- Donate to Help Stop Gun Violence
- Donations of Stock and Planned Giving
- Fact Sheets
- Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by State, 2005
- Firearms Training For Jihad in America
- Information on “Tiahrt Amendment” Restrictions on the Release of Crime Gun Trace Data
- NRA Fear Tactics
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2006
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2007
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2008
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2009
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2011
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2012
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2013
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2014
- Suicide Rates 2004
- Federal and State Firearms Laws
- Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use – Social Media Graphics
- Firearms Production in America
- Ghost Guns
- Global Site Index
- Gun Death in Illinois – Social Media Graphics
- Gun Death in Illinois: Annual Report 2024 Edition Social Media Graphics
- Gun Death in Wisconsin – Social Media Graphics
- Gun Deaths Surpass Motor Vehicle Deaths in 35 States and the District of Columbia in 2022 – Social Media Graphics
- Guns and Suicide – Social Media Graphics
- Hispanic Victims of Lethal Firearms Violence in the United States – Social Media Graphics
- Hispanic Victims of Lethal Firearms Violence in the United States – Social Media Graphics – Español
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color
- How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color – Social Media Graphics
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans
- How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian Americans – Social Media Graphics
- How the Gun Industry Celebrates Christmas
- How the Gun Industry Celebrates Valentine’s Day
- Introduction
- Investigating the Gun Lobby
- Latinos y violencia letal por armas de fuego
- Lethal Hispanic/Latino Firearm Victimization in California
- Lethal Hispanic/Latino Firearm Victimization in California Social Media Graphics
- Misfire
- Misfire
- Misfire
- Misfire
- Misfire
- Misfire
- Misfire
- Misfire – Social Media Graphics
- More Than 2,200 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- New Report Reveals Gun Violence Trends in Minnesota: 530 Lives Lost in 2023
- New Study – Gun Death in Illinois: Annual Report – Released by One Aim Illinois and Violence Policy Center
- NRA Annual Meeting Showcases Manufacturers of Mass Shooters’ Weapons of Choice
- Oppose the McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Bill (S. 890) – It Would Open More Loopholes Than it Would Close
- Press Releases
- 5 Questions to Ask in the Wake of a Mass Shooting
- Americans Living in Communities Where Gun Violence is Prevalent More Likely to Experience Negative Health and Behavioral Outcomes
- Arms Transfer Initiative Would Help U.S. Gun Industry Market its Militarized Firearms Globally
- As COVID-19 Fears Increase Gun Sales, New Violence Policy Center Study Reveals How Rarely Guns are Used in Self Defense
- As NRA Annual Meeting Opens in Nashville, Gun Deaths Surpass Motor Vehicle Deaths in 17 States Including Tennessee
- As NRA Touts Armed School Personnel as Solution to School Shootings, VPC Research Shows that Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Killed Hundreds of Innocent Victims
- At Las Vegas Trade Show, Gun Industry Puts a Happy Face on Weapons of War
- At Least 22 Law Enforcement Officers Have Been Killed By Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- At NRA Annual Meeting in Louisville, Gun Industry and NRA Work Hand-in-Glove to Target Children as Young as Grade School Age
- ATF Proposal to Restrict Certain Types of AR-15 Ammo Direct Result of Gun Industry’s Design and Marketing of Armor-Piercing Assault Pistols, VPC Report Shows
- Backgrounder on Smith & Wesson M&P15 Assault Rifle Used in Mass Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida
- Black Women Murdered by Men Are Almost Always Killed by Someone They Know, Most Commonly with a Gun
- California Women Murdered by Men Almost Always Know Their Killer, Most Common Weapon is a Gun
- Cerca de 75,000 Hispanos han muerto por disparos de armas de fuego en los Estados Unidos. Desde 2001, casi las dos terceras partes de estas muertes han sido homicidios -según revela un estudio
- Chapel Hill Attack is the 29th Mass Shooting Involving a Concealed Handgun Permit Holder Since May 2007
- Chicago Mercy Hospital Attack is 33rd Mass Shooting by a Concealed Handgun Permit Holder
- Concealed Carry Killers Responsible for 28 Mass Shootings Since 2007
- Concealed Carry Killers Responsible for at Least 26 Mass Shootings in the Past Six Years
- Concealed Carry Killers Responsible for At Least 659 Deaths Since 2007
- Concealed Carry Killers Responsible for At Least 722 Deaths Since 2007
- Concealed Carry Permit Holders Threaten Public Safety, VPC Research Shows
- Concealed Handguns in Public Places Make Us Less Safe, Latest VPC Research Shows
- Concealed Handguns in Public Places Make Us Less Safe, Latest VPC Research Shows
- COVID-19 Fears Reportedly Drive Gun Sales, Yet Guns are Rarely Used to Kill Criminals or Stop Crimes, Violence Policy Center Study Shows
- Desde 1999, más de 70,000 hispanos han muerto por disparos de armas de fuego en los EUA y cerca de dos terceras partes de esas muertes han sido homicidios, según revela un estudio.
- Diverse Array of More than 100 Organizations Call on Congress to Reject Trump Administration Proposal to Weaken Controls on Firearms Exports
- El Condado de Monterey ocupa el primer lugar en California en materia de asesinatos de jóvenes
- Election of Pete Brownell as NRA President Latest Confirmation of Organization’s Transformation to Gun Industry Trade Group
- Eleven Murder-Suicides Occur Across America Each Week, Claiming More Than 1,300 Lives Annually, New VPC Study Finds
- En California, desde 1999 cerca de 17,000 hispanos/latinos han sido asesinados con armas de fuego, señala un nuevo estudio
- En California, desde 1999 más de 10,000 latinos han muerto por la vía del suicidio, según revela un estudio
- En solo un año hubo más de 1,600 mujeres asesinadas por hombres, según un nuevo estudio
- En sólo un año más de 1,600 mujeres han sido asesinadas por hombres, de acuerdo con un nuevo estudio
- En sólo un año más de 1,600 mujeres han sido asesinadas por hombres, de acuerdo con un nuevo estudio
- Firearm Silencers Threaten Public Safety, New VPC Study Finds
- Firearm Silencers Threaten Public Safety, Violence Policy Center Study Shows
- Five Questions to Ask in the Wake of the Apalachee High School Mass Shooting in Winder, Georgia
- Florida Movie Theater Shooter the Latest Example of a Concealed Carry Killer
- Fort Hood Shooter Shot and Killed Three and Wounded 16 with the Same Brand of Gun Used at Aurora, LAX Shootings
- Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in 14 States and the District of Columbia in 2011
- Gun Deaths Surpass Motor Vehicle Deaths in 21 States and the District of Columbia
- Gun Deaths Surpass Motor Vehicle Deaths in 34 States and the District of Columbia
- Gun Deaths Surpass Motor Vehicle Deaths in 35 States and the District of Columbia
- Gun Industry and NRA Target Blacks and Latinos as First-Time Gun Owners and Future Pro-Gun Advocates, New Violence Policy Center Study Details
- Gun Industry and NRA Target Young Children as Next Generation of Customers and Pro-Gun Advocates, New VPC Study Finds
- Gun Industry Targets Asian Americans as First-Time Gun Owners and Future Pro-Gun Advocates, New Violence Policy Center Study Reveals
- Gun Violence Prevention Groups Condemn Launch of AR-15 Assault Rifles Designed Specifically for Children
- Guns Rarely Used to Kill Criminals or Stop Crimes, New VPC Report Shows
- House Passes Federally Mandated Concealed Carry, Threatening Public Safety & Law Enforcement Lives
- House-Passed Amendment Could Put Machine Guns into Hands of Criminals
- House-Passed Amendment Would Restart “Guns for Felons” Program
- Informe del Violence Policy Center plantea modos para mejorar la recopilación de datos en California con el fin de apoyar esfuerzos que prevengan situaciones de violencia
- Iniciativa Para La Transferencia De Armas Ayudaria A Industria Armamentista Vender Sus Armas Militares De Fuego Globalmente
- Jordan Davis Killing Part of Disturbing National Trend of Concealed Carry Killers
- La industria de las armas de fuego y la NRA se enfocan en negros y latinos para convertirlos en nuevos propietarios de armas y futuros defensores de su uso, según un nuevo estudio detallado del Violence Policy Center
- La tasa de asesinatos para hispanos supera en más del doble a la tasa de asesinatos para blancos
- Latest Concealed Carry Tragedies Include Workplace Shooting, Six-Year-Old Unintentionally Killing Father
- Los Condados de Monterey, Madera y San Francisco presentan las tasas de homicidio más altas en materia de asesinatos de jóvenes
- Los estadounidenses que viven en comunidades donde prevalece la violencia con armas de fuego tienen más probabilidades de experimentar efectos negativos en materia de salud y comportamiento
- Los rifles de francotirador calibre 50 estadounidenses tienen un impacto devastador en México, según revela en forma detallada un nuevo estudio
- Manufacturer of AR-15 Assault Rifles Designed for Children Returns with New Sales Campaign
- Many Newly Purchased Guns Have Design Flaws and Manufacturing Defects
- Más de 47,000 hispanos han sido asesinados con armas de fuego en 15 años, señala un estudio
- Más de 50,000 hispanos han sido asesinados con armas de fuego desde 1999, señala un estudio
- Mass Shooters Used Rifle Exempt from California Assault Weapons Law, News Reports Say
- Missouri Ranked #1 For Black Homicide Victimization
- Missouri Ranked #1 for Black Homicide Victimization
- Missouri Ranked #1 for Black Homicide Victimization
- Missouri Ranked #1 for Black Homicide Victimization
- Missouri Ranks #1 for Black Homicide Victimization
- Missouri Ranks #1 for Black Homicide Victimization
- Missouri Ranks #1 in Nation for Black Homicide Victimization
- Monterey County Ranks #1 for Youth Homicide Victimization in California
- Monterey, Madera, and San Francisco Counties Have California’s Highest Youth Homicide Victimization Rates
- More Than 1,000 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest VPC Research Shows
- More Than 1,100 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest VPC Research Shows
- More than 1,200 Americans Die in Murder-Suicides Each Year, VPC Study Finds
- More Than 1,200 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More Than 1,250 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More Than 1,300 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More Than 1,320 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More Than 1,330 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More Than 1,350 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More Than 1,360 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More than 1,600 Women Murdered by Men in One Year, New Study Finds
- More than 1,600 Women Murdered by Men in One Year, New Study Finds
- More Than 1,600 Women Murdered by Men in One Year, New Study Finds
- More Than 1,700 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More Than 1,800 Women Murdered by Men in One Year, New Study Finds
- More than 10,000 California Latinos Have Died from Suicide Since 1999, VPC Study Reveals
- More Than 2,000 Women Murdered by Men in One Year, New Violence Policy Center Study Finds
- More Than 2,500 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More Than 2,500 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- More than 47,000 Hispanics Killed With Guns Over 15 Years in U.S., Study Finds
- More than 50,000 Hispanics Killed With Guns in U.S. Since 1999, Study Finds
- More than 800 Deaths At the Hands of Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, VPC Research Shows
- More Than 85 Percent of Black Homicide Victims Killed With Guns, Study Finds
- More Than 900 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest VPC Research Shows
- More Than 900 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest VPC Research Shows
- Most Murder-Suicide Victims are Women Shot and Killed by Their Male Intimate Partners
- Murder Rate for Hispanics Is More than Double the Murder Rate for Whites
- Nearly 1,800 Women Murdered by Men in One Year, New Violence Policy Center Study Finds
- Nearly 17,000 Hispanics/Latinos Killed With Guns in California Since 1999, New Study Reports
- Nearly 2,000 Women Murdered by Men in One Year, New Violence Policy Center Study Finds
- Nearly 2,000 Women Murdered by Men in One Year, New VPC Study Finds
- Nearly 2,500 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows
- Nearly 54,000 Hispanics Killed With Guns in U.S. Since 1999, Two Thirds of Deaths are Homicides, Study Finds
- Nearly 70,000 Hispanics Have Died by Gunfire in U.S. Since 1999, Nearly Two-Thirds of the Deaths are Homicides, Study Finds
- Nearly 75,000 Hispanics Have Died by Gunfire in the U.S. Since 2001, Almost Two-Thirds of the Deaths are Homicides, Study Finds
- Nearly 85 Percent of Black Homicide Victims Killed With Guns, Study Finds
- Nearly 90 Percent of Black Homicide Victims Killed With Guns, Study Finds
- Nearly 90 Percent of Black Homicide Victims Killed With Guns, Study Finds
- Nearly Eleven Murder-Suicides Occur Across America Each Week, Claiming More Than 1,200 Lives Annually, New VPC Study Finds
- Nearly Nine out of 10 Women Murdered by Men are Killed by Someone They Know and Two Thirds Die by Gunfire, New Violence Policy Center Study Finds
- Nebraska Ranks #1 for Black Homicide Victimization Rate
- New and Expanded Online Resource Details Fatal Concealed Carry Incidents State by State
- New Data Shows One in Five Law Enforcement Officers Slain in the Line of Duty Felled by an Assault Weapon
- New Data Shows One in Five Law Enforcement Officers Slain in the Line of Duty from 2016 to 2018 Were Felled by an Assault Weapon
- New Data Shows One in Five Law Enforcement Officers Slain in the Line of Duty in 2016 and 2017 Were Felled by an Assault Weapon
- New Data Shows One in Four Law Enforcement Officers Slain in the Line of Duty in 2016 Felled by an Assault Weapon
- New Report Offers Overview of Lethal Gun Violence in Great Lakes States (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin)
- New Study Details Devastating Impact of U.S. 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles in Mexico
- New Study Details Women Murdered by Men in Great Lakes States (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin)
- New Study – Gun Death in Wisconsin – Released by Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort (WAVE) Educational Fund and Violence Policy Center
- New Violence Policy Center Project, Assault on DC, Documents Prevalence of Assault Weapons Recovered by Law Enforcement in the District of Columbia
- New Violence Policy Center Report Details 50 Proposals for State Action to Reduce Gun Violence
- New VPC Study Analyzes 25 Years of Data from When Men Murder Women for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
- New VPC Study Reveals Thousands of “Hidden” Gun Manufacturers Across America
- NRA & Gun Industry Celebrate Concealed Carry at NRA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, While More Than 960 Have Lost Their Lives to Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007
- NRA and Gun Industry Target Young Children as Next Generation of Customers and Pro-Gun Advocates, VPC Research Shows
- NRA Has Worked for Decades to Block Efforts to Regulate Type of Explosive Reportedly Contained in Bombs Targeting Political Figures, Media, and Others
- NRA to Honor Gun Industry Donors, Hawk Military-Style Weapons at Annual Meeting in Indianapolis
- Number of Gun Dealers in U.S. Drops 77 Percent Since 1994—From 245,628 to 56,577—New Violence Policy Center (VPC) Analysis Reveals
- Press Release Archive
- “Big Boomers”—Handguns With Rifle Power Capable of Penetrating Body Armor—Are Growing Threat to Lives of Law Enforcement Officers, According to New VPC Study
- “Pocket Rocket” in LA Postal Killing Shows Gun Industry Excess in Police Sales
- “Pro-Gun” States Lead Nation in Per Capita Firearm Death Rates New Violence Policy Center Analysis Reveals
- “Pro-Gun” States Lead the Nation in Per Capita Firearm Death Rates
- “Stop Arming Felons Act” Would Close Loopholes That Put Guns And Explosives Back Into The Hands Of Violent Criminals
- 10 Murder-Suicides Occur Each Week in America New Violence Policy Center Study Reveals, Almost All Perpetrated With Guns
- 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles That Can Destroy Aircraft Easier to Buy Than Handguns
- 50 Organizations Announce Opposition to McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Bill
- Alaska Ranks #1 in Rate of Women Murdered by Men According to VPC Study Released Each Year for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
- Alleged Fort Dix Terrorists Reportedly Trained With Yugoslavian SKS Assault Rifle Model Specifically Approved for Import by Bush Administration
- Analysis Details 300 People–Including 11 Law Enforcement Officers–Killed Since May 2007 by Persons Allowed to Legally Carry Concealed Handguns as Wisconsin Legislature Holds Hearings on Allowing Concealed Loaded Handguns in Public
- Announcement of Planned NRA Cafe and Store in Times Square Latest Proof of National Rifle Association’s Appetite for Destruction
- Another Mass Shooting, More Convictions, and Other Innocent Victims Murdered by Concealed Handgun Permit Holders: VPC Concealed Carry Killers June Update
- Appomattox, VA, Attack Only Most Recent Mass Shooting Involving a Concealed Handgun Permit Holder
- Arizona Mass Shooter, Conviction of Concealed Carry Cop-Killer, Among the June Additions and Updates to VPC’s Concealed Carry Killers
- Arizona, Nevada, and Utah Comprise the “UZI Triangle” of Copycat Assault Weapon Manufacturers, According to Violence Policy Center
- Arkansas School Shooting Focuses New Attention on Youth Gun Culture
- As Anniversary of Mass Shooting in Tucson that Killed Six and Injured 13–including U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords–Approaches, New Analysis Shows the Number of Americans Shot Each Year is Rising
- As CA Assembly Committee Considers Concealed Handgun Bill Today, On-Line Resource Reveals That Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Killed at Least 9 Law Enforcement Officers, 108 Private Citizens Since May 2007
- As Congress Begins Action on Legislation to Expand and Nationalize the Carrying of Concealed Handguns, Permit Holders Continue to Kill Innocent Victims in Mass Shootings, Murder-Suicides, Arguments, Accidents
- As House Judiciary Committee Approves Bill to Expand and Nationalize the Carrying of Concealed Handguns, Permit Holders Continue to Kill Innocent Victims, Including 11 Law Enforcement Officers
- As Zimmerman Case Begins, VPC Research Details Hundreds of Examples of Innocent Lives Lost to “Concealed Carry Killers”
- Ashcroft and NRA Provide Second Amendment Gun Defense for Accused American Taliban Terrorist John Walker Lindh
- Ashcroft Decision Cloaked in Secrecy – VPC Files Freedom of Information Act Request on Ashcroft Second Amendment Letter
- Ashcroft Justice Department Protects Terrorist “Gun Rights” While Putting Americans at Risk
- Ashcroft Letter to NRA Reveals Shift in Justice Department Policy, Undermines Enforcement of Gun Laws
- Ashcroft Pro-Gun Actions Turning Department of Justice Into NRA Franchise
- Assault Weapons Are “COP-KILLERS” According To New Violence Policy Center Study
- Attack on Rep. Giffords, Others in Tucson Most Recent Mass Shooting Involving Legal Concealed Weapons Holder, VPC Concealed Carry Killers February Update
- Attorney General Ashcroft Misled Congress and the American People on Legality of Checking Terrorist Gun Purchase Records
- Attorney General John Ashcroft Reverses Bush Administration Position on Renewing Federal Ban on Assault Weapons
- Attorney General Nominee Ashcroft Member of National Rifle Association
- Black Women Murdered by Men are Most Often Killed with a Gun, Almost Always by Someone They Know, According to New VPC Study Released Each Year for Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Black Women Murdered by Men are Most Often Killed with a Gun, Almost Always by Someone They Know, According to New VPC Study Released Each Year for Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Black Women Murdered by Men are Most Often Killed with a Gun, Almost Always by Someone They Know, According to New VPC Study Released Each Year for Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Black Women Murdered by Men are Most Often Killed with a Gun, Almost Always by Someone They Know, According to New VPC Study Released Each Year for Domestic Violence Awareness Month
- Black Women Murdered by Men at a Rate More than Two and a Half Times Higher than White Women, Study Finds
- Bush After-The-Fact, NRA-Backed Prosecution Strategy Does Nothing to Prevent Gun Death and Injury
- Bush Budget Provides More Guns, Less Prevention
- California Leads Nation in War on Terror Becomes First State in Nation to Ban 50 Caliber Anti-Armor Sniper Rifles
- Cheney Shooting Latest Addition to Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Injured and Killed by Guns During Bush Administration
- CIA Letter Raises Further Doubts About Barrett Story on Sale of 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles to Bin Laden
- Columbus, Ohio, Assault Weapons Ban Greater Tragedy to NRA Than Columbine Massacre, NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Reveals
- Combat Shooting Sets Its Sights On 2004 Olympic Games
- Concealed Carry Killers Responsible for at Least 26 Mass Shootings in the Past Six Years
- Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Fatally Shoot Each Other During Argument: VPC Concealed Carry Killers August Update
- Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Killed 139 Since May 2007, Including 9 Law Enforcement Officers—“Concealed Carry Killers” Web Site February Update
- Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Killed 8 Law Enforcement Officers, 77 Private Citizens Over Two and a Half Year Period According to New On-Line Resource That Tallies News Reports of CCW Killings
- Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Killed at Least 151 Since May 2007, Including 9 Law Enforcement Officers—“Concealed Carry Killers” Web Site March Update
- Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Killed at Least 161 Since May 2007, Including 9 Law Enforcement Officers—“Concealed Carry Killers” Web Site April Update
- Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Killed at Least 9 Law Enforcement Officers, 108 Private Citizens Since May 2007–“Concealed Carry Killers” Web Site January Update
- Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Killed at Least 9 Law Enforcement Officers, 98 Private Citizens Since May 2007–“Concealed Carry Killers” Web Site December Update
- Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Kill 7 Police, 44 Private Citizens Over Two-Year Period
- Congress Poised to Vote on National Rifle Association-Backed Bill to Repeal DC Gun Laws
- Congress Should Reject Dangerous Legislation (H.R. 1288) Repealing the District of Columbia’s Longstanding Laws Banning Assault Weapons and Handguns
- Connecticut Beer Truck Driver Who Killed 8 Then Self in August Was a Concealed Handgun Permit Holder–VPC Concealed Carry Killers October Update
- Court Overturns DC Handgun Ban
- Despite Mass Shooting in Wisconsin Leaving Eight Dead and Four Injured, Congressional Panel Plans Hearing Tomorrow on Bill to Shield Gun Industry from Civil Liability
- Eleventh-Hour NRA Amendment to Justice Department Appropriations Bill Would License Tens of Thousands of New “Kitchen-Table” Gun Dealers
- Even The Safest City in America Cannot Escape Handgun Violence
- Examples of Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Persons Legally Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns Hit 508–VPC Concealed Carry Killers March Update
- Fact Sheet on California Gun Laws and Firearm Statistics on Teenagers and Young Adults in California
- Fact Sheet on Firearms Violence Among Black Children and Youth
- Fact Sheet on Georgia Gun Laws and Statistics on Gun Violence in Georgia
- Fact Sheet on Oklahoma Gun Laws and Statistics on Gun Violence in Oklahoma
- Fact Sheet on Smith & Wesson
- Fact Sheet on Taurus International Manufacturing Company And its “Wonder-Nine” High-Capacity Semiautomatic Pistols
- Fact Sheet on Texas Gun Laws and Statistics on Gun Violence in Texas
- Fact Sheet on the Los Angeles International Airport Shooting and Statistics on Firearms Violence in California
- Fact Sheet on the Manufacturer of the Gun Reportedly Used in the Shooting at Theo J. Buell Elementary in Flint, Michigan
- Fact Sheet on Washington Gun Laws and Statistics on Gun Violence in Washington
- Fact Sheet: Colorado Gun Laws and Statistics on Teenagers and Guns in Colorado
- Fact Sheet: Georgia Gun Laws and Statistics on Teenagers and Guns in Georgia
- Fear of Debate Over Gun Industry Tactics Prevents Senate Consideration of Bankruptcy Legislation
- Federal Court Upholds California Assault Weapons Ban, Strongly Rebuts Ashcroft Justice Department View That Second Amendment Guarantees an Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
- Federal District Court Strongly Rejects CATO Institute-Backed Challenge to Washington, DC Handgun Ban
- Federal District Court Strongly Rejects National Rifle Association Second Amendment Challenge to Washington, DC Handgun Ban
- Federal Indictment Confirms Again That the 50 Caliber Anti-Armor Sniper Rifle Is a Weapon of Choice Among Terrorists
- Federal Judge Dismisses NAACP Lawsuit Against Gun Industry, But in 176-Page Decision Finds That Industry Practices Contribute to Gun Violence in New York
- Federal Tax Dollars Used To Fund School-Based Gun Industry Marketing Effort, New VPC Study Reveals
- First-Ever National State-by-State Study of Drive-By Shootings Reveals Data on Victims, Time, Location
- Five Years After Columbine Shooting, Assault Weapons Continue to Threaten Public Safety, Illustrating Need to Strengthen and Renew Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- Florida Teen Jordan Davis One of 499 Victims of “Concealed Carry Killers” Since May 2007
- For Every Time a Women Uses a Handgun to Kill in Self-Defense, 101 Women Die in Handgun Murders, New VPC Report Finds
- Fort Bragg Tragedies Focus Attention on National Plague of Murder-Suicide
- Fort Hood Mass Shooting, Leaving 13 Dead and 28 Injured, Latest Example of Price Paid for Deadly Firepower Available to Americans
- Goleta, California, Postal Shooting Latest Example of Unique Facilitating Role Guns Play in Murder-Suicide
- Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in 10 States in 2009 New Analysis Shows
- Gun Deaths Outpace Motor Vehicle Deaths in the DMV (District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia)
- Gun Deaths Outpaced Motor Vehicle Deaths in 12 States and the District of Columbia in 2010, New Analysis Shows
- Gun Distributor Warns That Brooklyn Gun Manufacturer Henry Repeating Arms Company May Have Shipped Rifles For Sale Loaded With Ammunition
- Gun Industry Imperils National Security with Sales of Military Sniper Rifles
- Gun Industry Kicks Off Annual Trade Show on Holiday Honoring Assassinated Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Gun Industry Loses in Court Again
- Gun Industry, Pro Gun Lobbying Organizations Meet At Las Vegas S.H.O.T. Show To Preview New Products And Hone Marketing And Press Strategies
- Gun Lobby Hijacks Bill Intended to Improve Gun Buyer Background Checks
- Gun Shows Have Become “Tupperware® Parties For Criminals” New Violence Policy Center Study Reveals
- Gun Used by Washington, DC-Area Sniper Illustrates Need to Strengthen and Renew Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- Gun Violence Prevention Organizations Call on President Obama to Act to Prevent Terrorist Attacks with Guns in Wake of New Al Qaeda Video Urging Supporters to Exploit Weak U.S. Gun Laws
- Gun Violence Prevention Organizations Call on President Obama to Use Executive Authority to Ban Import of Armor-Piercing Pistol Used in Fort Hood Attack
- Gun Violence Prevention, Youth, and Community Groups Urge Washington Redskins to Cancel October 17 Shooting Fundraiser With National Rifle Association (NRA)
- Gunmakers Urge That Children as Young as Four Years Old Get “A .22 For Christmas,” New VPC Report Reveals
- Guns are Rarely Used to Kill Criminals or Stop Crimes New VPC Analysis Reveals
- Guns Reportedly Used in Littleton Had Combat-Style Designs
- H.R. 2037 Gives Special Protection to the Unregulated Gun Industry
- H.R. 2037 Gives Special Protection to the Unregulated Gun Industry
- Handgun Production Lowest in 22 Years
- Hialeah Mass Shooting Only Most Recent by a Concealed Handgun Permit Holder
- High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines: The Common Thread That Runs Through Mass Shootings
- Historic Morton Grove, Illinois Handgun Ban May Be Overturned as Result of National Rifle Association-Backed Gun Law Preemption Campaign
- House Appropriations Committee Stops Effort to Re-Fund Program That Put Guns and Explosives Back Into the Hands of Violent Criminals
- House Bill Undermines Current Gun Law
- House Expected to Vote on Bill to Protect Guns From Claims of Creditors in Bankruptcy Cases
- House Gun Bill Weakens Current Law
- House Judiciary Committee Rejects Amendments to Patriot Act to Keep Guns–Including 50 Caliber Anti-Armor Sniper Rifles–Out of the Hands of Terrorists
- House of Representatives Scheduled to Vote on Bill to Repeal District of Columbia’s Gun Laws
- House of Representatives Votes to Repeal District of Columbia’s Gun Laws
- House Passes Appropriations Bill That Would License Tens of Thousands of New “Kitchen-Table” Gun Dealers, Undermine Gun Dealer Oversight
- House Passes Bill to Protect Reckless, Negligent Gun Manufacturers and “Bad Apple” Gun Dealers
- House Votes to Weaken the Brady Law
- House-Passed Class Action Bill (S.5) Protects Gun Industry, Leaves Gun Consumers And Victims of Gun Violence in Legal Limbo
- Illinois Has More Assault Weapon Manufacturers Than Any Other State, New Study Shows
- In Historic First, Saturday Night Special Manufacturer Tops U.S. Domestic Pistol Manufacturers
- In Unanimous Ruling, U.S. Supreme Court Shuts Door on NRA-Backed Federal Guns-for-Felons Program
- In Unanimous Vote, Contra Costa, CA, Board of Supervisors Backs Ban on 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles
- Indiana Factory Shooting Highlights Need For Improved Oversight of Kitchen-Table Gun Dealers
- Jihad Trainees Urged to Use Lax U.S. Gun Laws to Wage Holy War
- Just Plain Wrong: VPC Exposes Ashcroft Second Amendment Letter to NRA to Be Error-Ridden Fraud
- Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Allows Sale of Handgun Disguised as a Pen Despite Law Enforcement Warning
- Killings by Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Top 200, One-Third of Incidents Involved Family Violence–VPC Concealed Carry Killers September Update
- Killings by Persons Allowed to Legally Carry Concealed Handguns Reach 300—VPC Concealed Carry Killers April Update
- Landmark Legislation To Set Safety Standards For American-Made Handguns Introduced By Senator Barbara Boxer
- Landmark Verdict Against Gun Industry Paves Way for Further Litigation
- Los Angeles First City in Nation to Vote to Ban 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles
- Louisiana Ranks #1 in Rate of Women Murdered by Men According to VPC Study Released Annually for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
- Majority Leader DeLay’s Promise to Let Assault Weapons Ban Expire Will Keep Cop-Killer Guns on U.S. Streets
- Manufacturer of Assault Rifle Used in Newtown Shooting Gave a Million Dollars to the NRA
- Massachusetts Has Lowest Gun Death Rate in Nation
- Mexican Gun Traffickers Easily Obtain Military-Style Weapons from U.S. Civilian Gun Market, New Analysis of Federal Criminal Court Records Confirms
- Miami Postal Clerk Who Shot Ex-Wife, Her Friend, and Then Killed Himself Had Florida Concealed Carry License
- Michigan Concealed Handgun Licensees Have Suicide Rate Higher Than General Michigan Population–VPC Concealed Carry Killers November Update
- Michigan Reports 38 Deaths, Including the Murder of a Law Enforcement Officer–VPC Concealed Carry Killers April Update
- Missouri Defeat Another Nail in The Gun Lobby’s Coffin
- Missouri Leads Nation in Black Homicide Victimization
- Missouri Leads Nation in Black Homicide Victimization for Second Year in a Row
- Missouri Leads Nation in Black Homicide Victimization for Third Year in a Row
- Missouri Leads Nation in Per Capita Rate Of Black Homicide Victimization
- Monterey County Ranks #1 for Youth Homicide Victimization in California for Second Year in a Row, New Study Reveals
- Monterey County Ranks #1 for Youth Homicide Victimization in California, New Study Reveals
- More Deaths, More Convictions, More Murder-Suicides: VPC Concealed Carry Killers July Update
- More Than 1,100 Murder-Suicide Deaths—From the Virginia Tech Massacre to Domestic Disputes—Occurred in 2007, New Study Estimates
- More Than 1,300 Murder-Suicide Deaths Occurred in 2011, New Study Estimates
- More Than 50 Members of Entertainment Community Sign Letter Calling on President Bush, U.S. Congress, to Strengthen and Renew Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- Murder Arrests, Murder-Suicide Among New Concealed Handgun Permit Holder Incidents Reported in VPC’s “Concealed Carry Killers” May Update
- Murder, Suicide, and More Convictions: VPC Concealed Carry Killers December Update
- National Gun Violence Prevention Groups Express Outrage That in Wake of Shootings, U.S. Senate is Poised to Consider Legislation to Dramatically Weaken State Concealed Handgun Laws
- National Gun Violence Prevention Groups Voice Concern About Dangerous Components of Bill to Improve Gun Background Check System
- National Gun Violence Prevention Organizations Call for Effective Federal Assault Weapons Ban in Wake of Alabama Rampage Shooting Leaving 11 Dead, Including Shooter
- National Rifle Association Accusations Of Race And Sex Discrimination At Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco, And Firearms “Lesson In Hypocrisy”
- National Rifle Association Direct Mail Renews Attacks On Federal Law Enforcement
- National Rifle Association Has Been “Technically Insolvent For Several Years” New Internal Document Reveals
- National Rifle Association Opens 125th Annual Meeting On First Anniversary Of Oklahoma City Bombing
- National Rifle Association Receives Millions of Dollars From Gun Industry “Corporate Partners” New VPC Report Reveals
- National Rifle Association Suffers Self-Proclaimed “Biggest Election Disaster in Nearly 15 Years”
- National Rifle Association-Backed Amendment to Gun Industry Immunity Bill Would Repeal 28-Year-Old District of Columbia Handgun Ban
- National Rifle Association-Backed Law Made Possible Internet Ammunition Sales Reportedly Exploited by Colorado Shooter and Removed Recordkeeping Requirements, NRA Reaps Profits From Such Sales Today
- National Rifle Association—Embracing Tea Partiers and Anti-Government Rhetoric—Meets in Charlotte, NC
- National Security Experts Confirm Terror Threat Posed by 50 Caliber Anti-Armor Sniper Rifles
- National State-by-State Study of Drive-By Shootings Reveals Data on Victims, Time, Location
- Navy Yard Massacre Only the Most Recent Mass Shooting by a Concealed Handgun Permit Holder
- Nearly One Third of Kids Murdered With Handguns Are Shot And Killed by Other Kids, VPC Study Reveals
- Nevada Ranks #1 in Rate of Women Murdered by Men According to VPC Study Released Annually for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
- Nevada Ranks #1 in Rate of Women Murdered by Men According to VPC Study Released Each Year for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
- Nevada Ranks #1 in Rate of Women Murdered by Men for Second Year in a Row According to VPC Study Released Annually for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
- Nevada Ranks #1 in Rate of Women Murdered by Men for Second Year in a Row According to VPC Study Released Annually for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
- Nevada Ranks #1 in Rate of Women Murdered by Men for Third Year in a Row According to VPC Study Released Annually for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
- New Analysis of Florida’s Female Homicide Victims Reveals Most Women Killed by Someone They Know in a Non-Criminal Attack
- New Assault Weapon Manufacturer Vulcan Armament Brags “The Guns of the Special Forces Are Now on Sale in America!”
- New Harvard University Study Shows Direct Link Between Gun Availability And Gun Death Among Children
- New NRA Post-Katrina Fundraising Campaign Targeting Mayors and Police Signals Return to Organization’s Days of “Jack Booted Government Thugs” Extremist Rhetoric
- New Report Documents NRA And Gun Industry Efforts to Woo Kids
- New Report Shows Murders of Women Typically Involve Domestic Violence And Guns
- New Rule Would Create Loophole in Brady Law, Undermine Instant Background Check
- New Semi-Annual VPC Report Who Dies? Details Latest Trends in Firearm-Related Injuries and Deaths in the U.S.
- New Study Reveals More Than 40 Gunmakers Currently Marketing Assault Weapons: Including UZIs, AK-47s, AR-15s, MAC-10s, Galils, MP5s, and Others. Despite 1994 Federal Ban
- New Study Shows District of Columbia’s Tough Gun Laws Work to Prevent Youth Suicide–No Child 16 Years of Age or Younger in DC Was the Victim of Firearm Suicide According to Most Recent Federal Data
- New Study Shows Florida’s “Model” Concealed Carry Law Puts Guns Into the Hands of Criminals
- New Study Shows Murders of Women Typically Involve Domestic Violence and Guns
- New Study Shows Need for Improved Data on Youth Gang Violence and Guns in California
- New Study–More Gun Dealers Than Gas Stations–Documents Criminal Abuse of Federal Gun Dealer Licenses and Regulatory Failures of Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)
- New Study: Texas Hidden Handgun Licensees Arrested for Nearly Two Crimes a Day Since Law Passed
- New Survey Reveals More Americans Favor Handgun Ban Than Own Handguns
- New Technology–Caseless “PHANTOM” Ammo–Could Devastate Police Investigations
- New Violence Policy Center (VPC) Study Labels NRA’s Eddie Eagle “Gun Safety” Program “Joe Camel With Feathers”
- New Violence Policy Center Analysis Details Nearly 300 People, Including 11 Law Enforcement Officers, Killed Since May 2007 by Persons Allowed to Legally Carry Concealed Handguns as New Grassroots Effort to Stop Concealed Carry in Illinois Kicks Off
- New Violence Policy Center Study Warns of “Next Wave” of Assault Pistols for Sale in the United States
- New VPC On-Line Resource—Cross-Border Gun Trafficking—Uses Federal Court Documents to Detail Types of Firearms Favored, Methods Used, by Illegal Trans-Border Gun Traffickers
- New VPC Report Debunks Gun Industry Claim That Bin Laden’s 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles Were Obtained Through CIA Aid Program
- New VPC Report Details How Firearms Industry Exploits Y2K Fears to Sell More Guns
- New VPC Report Details How Liability Legislation (H.R. 2366) Would Protect Manufacturers of Guns Used in 1999 Columbine Massacre
- New VPC Report Details Marketing and Production History of Assault Rifle Used in Aurora, CO, the Smith & Wesson M&P15, Describes How It and Other Assault Rifles Differ from Sporting Semiautomatic Rifles
- New VPC Report Lays Out Minimal Terms for Settlement of Litigation Against Gun Industry
- NEW VPC Study Debunks National Rifle Association Claim To Represent “Family Values”
- New VPC Study Details How Lax Concealed Carry Laws Are Designed to Boost Gun Sales
- New VPC Study Exposes Gun Industry’s Marketing Tactics While Exploding Myths Concerning Women and Firearms Violence
- New VPC Study Pocket Rockets: The Gun Industry’s Sale of Increased Killing Power Released Today at Chicago News Conference
- No Recess for Ashcroft Hypocrisy – DOJ Continues to Undermine its Own Case in Emerson
- Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Persons Legally Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns Hit 391–VPC Concealed Carry Killers February Update
- Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Persons Legally Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns Hit 447–VPC Concealed Carry Killers May Update
- Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Persons Legally Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns Hit 462–VPC Concealed Carry Killers June Update
- Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Persons Legally Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns Hit 471–VPC Concealed Carry Killers September Update
- Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Persons Legally Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns Hit 484–VPC Concealed Carry Killers October Update
- Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Persons Legally Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns Hits 370–VPC Concealed Carry Killers July/August Update
- NRA and Some of Its Board Members Have Direct Financial Interests in Stopping Ban on High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- NRA Annual Meeting This Weekend in St. Louis, MO–State Ranked #1 for Black Homicide Victimization
- NRA Convention Starts Friday in Houston, Features Gun Show of “Firearm Industry’s Latest and Greatest Products,” Including NRA “Corporate Partners” That Manufactured Guns Used in Newtown, Aurora, and Other Mass Shootings
- NRA Holds Annual Meeting in State Ranked #6 in Overall Gun Death, in City Where Gun Dealers Help Feed U.S.-Mexico Border Violence
- NRA Leader Wayne LaPierre’s “Homogenization” Quote Most Recent Addition to NRA History of Racist Commentary
- NRA Life Member John Ashcroft Announces Plan to Destroy National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) Records
- NRA Once Again Embracing Anti-Government Rhetoric
- NRA, Gun Industry Attempting to Revise Assault Weapons History
- NRA’s Long-Running Opposition to Regulation of Common Explosives Threatens Public Safety While Benefiting Its Gun Industry “Corporate Partners” New VPC Report Reveals
- Number of Gun Dealers in U.S. Drops Almost 80 Percent – From 245,628 to 54,902 – Since 1994, New Violence Policy Center (VPC) Report Reveals
- Number of Gun Dealers in U.S. Drops Almost 80 Percent Since 1994 – From 245,628 to 50,630 – New Violence Policy Center (VPC) Report Reveals
- Oklahoma Bombing Inevitable Result Of Growing Extremism Of American Gun Lobby
- Olympic Officials Blast Combat Shooting
- On One-Year Anniversary of DC-Area Sniper Shootings, Violence Policy Center Strongly Supports Lautenberg and McCarthy Bills (S. 1431, H.R. 2038) to Renew and Strengthen the Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- One in Five Law Enforcement Officers Slain in the Line of Duty Is Killed with an Assault Weapon, New VPC Study Reveals
- Only Six Months Before Federal Assault Weapons Ban Expires
- Over 90 Percent of Mexican Crime Guns Originate in U.S., New GAO Report Finds
- Pennsylvania Leads Nation in Per Capita Rate of Black Homicide Victimization
- Pennsylvania Leads Nation in Per Capita Rate of Black Homicide Victimization
- Pennsylvania Leads Nation in Per Capita Rate of Black Homicide Victimization
- Pennsylvania Leads Nation in Per Capita Rate of Black Homicide Victimization
- Pennsylvania School Shooting Deaths of Student and Principal Focus Attention on Tragedy of Murder-Suicide
- Pistol Used in Manchester Mass Shooting Part of “Handgun of the Year” Award Winning SR9 Product Line
- Pittsburgh Fitness Center Attack Only Most Recent Mass Shooting Committed by Concealed Handgun Permit Holder
- Police Are Involved in More Than One Out of Four Assault Weapons Incidents, Violence Policy Center Study Shows
- President’s Trigger Lock Deal With Gun Industry Protects Industry–Not Children
- Pro-Gun Experts Prove Handguns Are Ineffective Self-Defense Tools, New VPC Study Reveals
- Product Liability Bill To Be Voted On In Senate Offers Special Protection To Unscrupulous Gun Dealers And Manufacturers Of Defective Firearms
- Product Liability Bill Would Block Lawsuits Against Firearms Industry By Gun Victims
- Provisions Tucked Into Omnibus Spending Conference Report Would Arm Criminals And Protect Corrupt Gun Dealers, Violence Policy Center Charges
- Report Urges President to Use Existing Law to Cut Off Flow of Military-Style Guns to Mexico
- Representative Bob Barr (R-GA) to Offer Amendment to Put Guns Back Into the Hands of Wife Beaters and Child Abusers
- Revelation That Romanian AK-47s Seized by Italian Authorities Are Legal Proves Need to Strengthen, Not Just Renew, Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- Riverside Mass Shooting Fits Tragic Pattern Identified by Violence Policy Center in Largest Study of Murder-Suicide Ever Conducted
- San Joaquin County Ranks #1 for Youth Homicide Victimization in California, New Study Reveals
- Santana High School Shooting Latest Proof of Need For Handgun Ban
- Second Amendment Rooted in Southern States’ Control of Slavery, Academic Experts Say
- Semiautomatic Pistol Used in Arizona Shooting Is Same Model Handgun Used in Virginia Tech Shooting
- Senate Class Action Bill (S. 5) Protects Gun Industry And Leaves Gun Consumers And Victims of Gun Violence in Legal Limbo
- Senate Majority Leader Frist Says American Gun Companies at Risk if Congress Doesn’t Pass Bill to Shield the Gun Industry from Lawsuits–But Cites Italian Gunmaker Beretta as Example
- Senate Passage of Tough Gun Show Rules Will Control “Tupperware Parties for Criminals”
- Senate-Passed Assault Weapons “Ban” Will Do Little to Keep Assault Weapons Off Our Streets, Violence Policy Center (VPC) Warns
- Sex Offender Registry Bill Scheduled to be Considered by House Today Will Allow Misdemeanor Sex Offenders Continued Access to Guns Despite Ban Passed by House on Voice Vote on Similar Bill Last Year
- Shooting at National Zoo Latest Proof of Need for Handgun Ban
- SHOT Show an Example of a Politically Powerful Industry Desperate to Hide Its Decline
- SKS Assault Rifle Reported as Weapon Used in Ambush Attack on Police in Ceres, CA, Leaving One Officer Dead And One Critically Wounded
- Smith & Wesson “Clarification” of Agreement Between Government and Gunmaker Exposes “Landmark” Settlement to be a Sham
- Snipers: Predictable Consequence of Gun Industry Marketing
- Soldier of Fortune Magazine Articles at McVeigh Trial Were Just Tip of Anti-Government Iceberg
- South Carolina Ranks #1 in Rate of Women Murdered by Men
- Speaker’s Promise To National Rifle Association To Repeal Assault Weapons Ban Ignores Threat To Police
- Statement of M. Kristen Rand, Legislative Director, Violence Policy Center
- Statement of National Gun Violence Prevention Organizations in Wake of Northern Illinois University Shooting
- Statement of Violence Policy Center in Response to D.C. Gun Crime Defendants Using U.S. Department of Justice Second Amendment Policy Shift to Strike Down Gun Laws
- Statement of Violence Policy Center in Response To Florida Jury Verdict Against Gun Distributor
- Statement of Violence Policy Center in Response to GAO Report: “Less Time Means More Domestic Gun Crime”
- Statement of Violence Policy Center in Response to Supreme Court Refusal to Hear Second Amendment Cases
- Statement of Violence Policy Center in Response to U.S. Supreme Court Refusal to Review Silveira v. Lockyer
- Statement of Violence Policy Center on Supreme Court Ruling in District of Columbia v. Heller Overturning DC Handgun Ban
- States with Higher Gun Ownership and Weak Gun Laws Lead Nation in Gun Death
- States With Higher Gun Ownership and Weak Gun Laws Lead Nation in Gun Death
- States with Higher Gun Ownership and Weak Gun Laws Lead Nation in Gun Death
- States With Higher Gun Ownership and Weak Gun Laws Lead Nation in Gun Death
- Study Documents How Shooting Ranges Poison Children; One of the Nation’s Top Lead Polluters
- Supreme Court Decision In Brady Case First Volley in Coming Battle Over National Waiting Period and Background Check for Handgun Buyers
- Supreme Court Nominee Samuel Alito’s Views Could Imperil Most Federal Gun, Ammo, and Explosives Laws, New Violence Policy Center Backgrounder Shows
- Supreme Court Prepares to Hear DC Gun Case as National Support for Banning Handguns Hits 59 Percent
- Terminate Federal Guns-for-Felons Program, Violence Policy Center Tells U.S. Supreme Court
- Texas Concealed Carry Permit is “License to Kill” New Violence Policy Center Study Reveals
- Threat of Handgun Ban Repeal Puts Lives of DC Residents in Supreme Court Balance
- Today’s Action by U.S. Senate to Reject Class Action Legislation Is Victory For Victims of Gun Violence And Gun Consumers
- Toddler Alleged to Have Accidently Killed His Mother with Father’s Permitted Glock Among the May Additions to VPC’s Concealed Carry Killers
- U.S. Can Act Immediately to Halt Import of AK-47 Assault Rifles Fueling Gun Violence on U.S./Mexico Border, VPC Tells Congress
- U.S. Civilian Gun Market Has Become a Militarized Bazaar, New Violence Policy Center Study Documents
- U.S. Gun Industry Armed Osama bin Laden’s Terror Network: Al Qaeda Bought 25 Barrett 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles
- U.S. Gun Industry Feeds Gun Violence on U.S./Mexico Border, Violence Policy Center Analyst Tells Congress
- U.S. Gun Industry Targets Europe For Sale of 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles
- U.S. House Appropriations Committee Inserts Pro-Gun Language in Spending Bill in Effort to Torpedo New York City Lawsuit Against Firearms Industry
- U.S. House Appropriations Committee Rejects Amendments to Help Prevent Illegal Gun Trafficking
- U.S. House of Representatives Votes to Expand and Nationalize the Carrying of Concealed Handguns Three Days After a Concealed Permit Holder Fires at California Highway Patrol Officers
- U.S. House Passes Measure to Keep Guns Out of the Hands of Sex Offenders
- U.S. House Passes Measure to Keep Guns Out of the Hands of Sex Offenders
- U.S. House Vote to Stop Enforcement of Federal Child Safety Lock Law Panders to Gun Lobby, Ignores Grave Risk to Children
- U.S. Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Dismisses Terror Threat of Pistol Disguised as Pen
- U.S. Representative Markey Joins Violence Policy Center for Release of New VPC Report From Gun Games to Gun Stores: Why the Firearms Industry Wants Their Video Games on Your Child’s Wish List
- U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee Rejects Amendment to Help Law Enforcement Stop Illegal Gun Trafficking
- U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee Votes to Keep Comprehensive Crime Gun Trace Data Secret Under “Tiahrt Amendment”
- U.S. Senate to Debate Liability of Gun Manufacturers
- U.S. Supreme Court Decides Today to Hear Case That Could Terminate Federal Guns-for-Felons Program
- U.S. Supreme Court Hears Arguments In Federal Guns-For-Felons Case
- U.S. Supreme Court Rejects NRA Challenge to Brady Law’s Retention of National Instant Check Records
- U.S. Terror Training Indictment Echoes Violence Policy Center Warning
- Unarmed Teen Trayvon Martin One of More Than 400 Victims of “Concealed Carry Killers” since May 2007
- Vast Majority of Handgun Makers Violate White House Trigger Lock Deal
- Vast Majority of Mexican Crime Guns Originate in U.S. New ATF Trace Data Reveals
- Violence Policy Center (VPC) Endorses Bi-Partisan Bill to Crack Down on Gun Trafficking
- Violence Policy Center (VPC) Joins Rep. Carolyn Maloney in Calling For Federal Ban on 50 Caliber Anti-Armor Sniper Rifles
- Violence Policy Center (VPC) Releases New Study, Hispanics and Firearms Violence
- Violence Policy Center (VPC) Response to National Rifle Association Charges That VPC Misrepresented Beretta as a Foreign Gunmaker
- Violence Policy Center (VPC) Statement on Senate Passage of Gun Liability Bill
- Violence Policy Center (VPC) Statement on U.S. House Passage of Bill Protecting the Unregulated Gun Industry
- Violence Policy Center And Greenpeace Hold Joint Briefing Detailing The Threat of 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle Terrorist Attacks on Chemical Targets
- Violence Policy Center Applauds Emerson Decision, Court Upholds Protective Order Gun Ban
- Violence Policy Center Applauds Introduction of “Terrorist Firearms Detection Act of 2003”
- Violence Policy Center Applauds Introduction of Federal Legislation to Permanently Eliminate NRA-Backed Federal Guns-for-Felons Program
- Violence Policy Center Applauds Introduction of Federal Legislation to Permanently Eliminate NRA-backed Federal Guns-for-Felons Program
- Violence Policy Center Applauds Senate Judiciary Committee Action Approving Bill to Stop Gun Trafficking
- Violence Policy Center Applauds Senate Judiciary Committee Approval of Assault Weapons Ban
- Violence Policy Center Backgrounder on Facts Relevant to Pennsylvania Amish School Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Backgrounder on Gun Crime, Gun Possession, and Gun Exposure in Tennessee
- Violence Policy Center Endorses Schumer Proposal to Protect Brady Law From Being Gutted by Ashcroft Justice Department
- Violence Policy Center Endorses “Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 2011”
- Violence Policy Center Hails Connecticut’s Passage of Comprehensive Gun Violence Prevention Package
- Violence Policy Center Hails Contra Costa, CA, Board of Supervisors’ 4-0 Vote to Ban 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles
- Violence Policy Center Hails New York State Assembly’s Passage of 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle Ban
- Violence Policy Center Hails New York State Assembly’s Passage of 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle Ban
- Violence Policy Center Hails Passage of Ban on 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles in New Jersey
- Violence Policy Center Hails Passage of San Francisco Handgun Ban
- Violence Policy Center Hails Senate Defeat of Immunity Bill, Urges Congress to Focus on Passing Effective Assault Weapons Legislation
- Violence Policy Center Issues Annual Report When Men Murder Women
- Violence Policy Center Issues Statement on Expiration of Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- Violence Policy Center Launches Campaign and Website to Engage Grassroots as Part of Growing Effort to Renew and Strengthen Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- Violence Policy Center Launches Web Site to Aid Citywide Effort to Stop Congressional Repeal of DC Handgun Ban
- Violence Policy Center Offers Strong Support For New York State Legislation to Ban 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles
- Violence Policy Center Opposes McCain-Lieberman Gun Show Bill
- Violence Policy Center Opposes Nomination of John Ashcroft For U.S. Attorney General
- Violence Policy Center Rebuts “Top Ten Lies” of Fifty Caliber Institute (FCI)
- Violence Policy Center Releases Annual Report When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 2001 Homicide Data
- Violence Policy Center Releases Annual Report When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 2002 Homicide Data
- Violence Policy Center Releases Firearms Production In America, 1975-1997: A State-by-State Breakdown
- Violence Policy Center Releases GUNLAND USA: A State-by-State Ranking of Gun Shows, Gun Retailers, Machine Guns, and Gun Manufacturers
- Violence Policy Center Releases Report Detailing Ashcroft Pro-Gun Record
- Violence Policy Center Releases When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 1999 Homicide Data
- Violence Policy Center Releases When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 1999 Homicide Data
- Violence Policy Center Releases When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 1999 Homicide Data
- Violence Policy Center Releases When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 2000 Homicide Data
- Violence Policy Center Response to Justice Department Proposal to Keep Guns Out of the Hands of Prohibited Aliens
- Violence Policy Center Statement in Support of Senator Feinstein’s Landmark Bill Banning Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Defeat of Thune Amendment Creating National Concealed Handgun System
- Violence Policy Center Statement on McDonald v. Chicago Decision
- Violence Policy Center Statement on NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre’s Press Conference Today
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Obama Administration Proposals to Reduce Gun Violence
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Passage of NY SAFE Act to Significantly Strengthen New York’s Gun Laws
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Renewal of the Undetectable Firearms Ban
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Shooting at Sikh Temple Leaving Six Dead, Others Critically Wounded
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Shooting Outside Empire State Building
- Violence Policy Center Statement on the Confirmation of ATF Director Todd Jones
- Violence Policy Center Statement on the Confirmation of ATF Director Todd Jones
- Violence Policy Center Statement on the George Zimmerman Verdict
- Violence Policy Center Statement on the Passing of Senator Frank Lautenberg
- Violence Policy Center Statement on U.S. House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Policy Principles
- Violence Policy Center Statement on U.S. House Vote to Repeal DC Gun Laws
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Virginia Tech Shooting, Deadliest in U.S. History
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Wal-Mart Decision to Stop Gun Sales: “No Surprise”
- Violence Policy Center Statement on White House Conference on School Safety: “The Bush Administration is in Denial Regarding the Role Guns Play in School Shootings”
- Violence Policy Center Statement One Year After the Newtown Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Strongly Backs Ban on High-Capacity Magazines
- Violence Policy Center Strongly Criticizes Governor Christie’s Veto of Ban on 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles
- Violence Policy Center Study Spurs Legislation To End Federal Program To Rearm Convicted, Violent Felons
- Violence Policy Center Sues Attorney General Ashcroft Over Unlawful Suspension of Brady Law Regulation – Further Evidence of Shift in Justice Department Gun Policy
- Violence Policy Center Urges Washington Redskins to Withdraw From Shooting Fundraiser With National Rifle Association as NRA Lobbies on Capitol Hill to Overturn D.C.’s Gun Laws
- Violence Policy Center Warns Nation’s Law Enforcement Officers of New Handgun Threat to Police Body Armor
- Virginia Sheriffs Slain and Wounded in Sniper Attack Were Shot by Concealed Handgun Permit Holder
- VPC Analyst’s New Book Shows How Gun Industry Uses Lethality As Marketing Tool
- VPC Applauds U.S. Senate’s Rejection of Omnibus Spending Conference Report Loaded with Provisions That Would Arm Criminals, Protect Corrupt Gun Dealers
- VPC Assails Gun Industry Pandering to Sniper Subculture, Calls For Condemnation, Investigation, And Legislation to Stop Deadly Trade
- VPC Backgrounder on Guns and France in Wake of Mass Handgun Shooting in Nanterre, France
- VPC Blasts President For Hosting Rose Garden Gun Event While Selling Out Gun Victims on Lawsuit Bill
- VPC Demonstrates How Weak Senate Gun Bill Allows “Junk Locks”
- VPC Denounces House Gun Bill
- VPC Denounces Passage of “Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act”
- VPC Hails Clinton’s Call to Regulate Gun Shows
- VPC Hails Schumer Bill to Prevent Internet From Becoming “On-Line Arms Bazaar”
- VPC Joins Representatives Moran, Kennedy, McCarthy, and Waxman in Calling for Federal Ban on 50 Caliber Anti-armor Sniper Rifles
- VPC Lauds Introduction of Blagojevich Bill to Ban “Pocket Rockets”
- VPC Launches New Web Site,, in Conjunction With Release of Paperback Edition of Latest Book, Every Handgun Is Aimed at You: The Case for Banning Handguns
- VPC Offers Strong Support for Federal Legislation to Ban 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles
- VPC Offers Strong Support for McCarthy-Conyers Assault Weapons Ban
- VPC Praises Effort to Preserve the Brady Law
- VPC Releases Firearms Production in America 1999 Edition
- VPC Releases Gun Industry Ads Exposing Giant Assault Weapon Loophole
- VPC Releases Latest Edition of Firearms Production in America
- VPC Releases License to Kill III: The Texas Concealed Handgun Law’s Legacy of Crime and Violence
- VPC Releases License to Kill IV: More Guns, More Crime
- VPC Releases Most Comprehensive State-by-State Study Ever Conducted on National Tragedy of Murder-Suicide
- VPC Releases New Handgun Ban Study, Unsafe in Any Hands: Why America Needs to Ban Handguns
- VPC Releases New Study – No Deal: The Drop in Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers in America
- VPC Releases New Study – Guns for Felons: How the NRA Works to Rearm Criminals
- VPC Releases Target America: Can the Flood of Foreign Assault Weapons be Stopped?
- VPC Releases The State of the Gun Industry in Response to Nation’s Largest Gun Trade Show Being Held in Las Vegas February 2-5, 2002
- VPC Releases Where’d They Get Their Guns? An Analysis of the Firearms Used in High-Profile Shootings, 1963 to 2001
- VPC Statement Following Meeting With Vice President Biden and Gun Violence Prevention Advocates
- VPC Statement Opposing “Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act”
- VPC Study Explains Assault Weapons’ Spray-Fire Design
- VPC Submits Comments on Ashcroft Background Check Proposal – Urges FBI to Reject Ashcroft’s Dangerous Proposed Rule
- VPC Welcomes President Bush’s Reaffirmation of Campaign Pledge to Support Reauthorization of Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- VPC’s Diaz Exposes Gun Industry’s Aggressive Recruitment of Children to Gun Culture at Senate Commerce Committee Hearing on Marketing Violence to Children
- Washington Post Report Of Racist Views Of National Rifle Association Researcher Not Surprising According To Recent VPC Study
- While Newtown and America Grieve, Newtown, CT-based Gun Industry Trade Association National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) Prepares for Its Annual Celebration of Guns Next Week in Las Vegas
- White House Shooting Latest Proof of Need For Handgun Ban
- Wisconsin Hunter Murders Show Need For Effective Assault Weapons Ban: Armed Hunters No Match For SKS Assault Rifle
- Resources for Press on Texas Mass Shooting from the Violence Policy Center
- Rifle Attack on Republican Members of Congress Latest Grim Proof that No One is Safe from Gun Violence
- Según un estudio, cerca de 54,000 hispanos han sido asesinados con armas de fuego en los Estados Unidos desde 1999 y dos tercios de estas muertes han sido homicidios.
- Self-Defense Gun Use is Rare, New Violence Policy Center Study Confirms
- Self-Defense Gun Use is Rare, New Violence Policy Center Study Confirms
- Self-Defense Gun Use is Rare, New VPC Study Confirms
- Self-Defense Gun Use is Rare, New VPC Study Confirms
- Self-Defense Gun Use is Rare, Study Finds
- Shootings Focus Public Attention on the Community Trauma that Results from Gun Violence
- SHOT Show Opens in Nevada, Where Gun Deaths Have Surpassed Motor Vehicle Deaths for Six Years in a Row
- Smith & Wesson, Manufacturer of Assault Rifle Used in Parkland, Florida High School Shooting, is a Million-Dollar Donor to the National Rifle Association
- South Carolina Ranks #11 in Rate of Women Murdered by Men – First Time in 23 Year History of VPC Study the State has not Ranked Among the 10 States With the Highest Rates
- State Firearm Suicide Rates, 2016
- Statement of Violence Policy Center on California Banning Bullet-Button Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- Statement of Violence Policy Center on Lethal Mass Shooting of Law Enforcement in Dallas
- Statement on Governor Christie’s Veto of Ban on High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- States with Higher Gun Ownership and Weak Gun Laws Lead Nation in Suicide While States with Lower Gun Ownership and Strong Gun Laws Have Lowest Suicide Rates
- States with Lower Gun Ownership and Strong Gun Laws Have Lowest Suicide Rates
- States with Lower Gun Ownership and Stronger Gun Laws Have Lowest Suicide Rates
- States with Lower Gun Ownership and Stronger Gun Laws Have Lowest Suicide Rates
- States with Lower Gun Ownership and Stronger Gun Laws Have Lowest Suicide Rates
- States with Lower Gun Ownership and Stronger Gun Laws Have Lowest Suicide Rates
- States with Strong Gun Laws and Lower Gun Ownership Have Lowest Gun Death Rates in the Nation, New Data for 2019 Confirms
- States with Strong Gun Laws and Lower Gun Ownership Have Lowest Gun Death Rates in the Nation, New Data for 2021 Confirms
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Have Highest Gun Death Rates in the Nation, New Data for 2022 Confirm
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2012 Confirms
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2013 Confirms
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2014 Confirms
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2015 Confirms
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2017 Confirms
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2018 Confirms
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Suicides
- Study Finds Black Women Murdered by Men Are Nearly Always Killed by Someone They Know
- Study Finds Black Women Murdered by Men Are Nearly Always Killed by Someone They Know, Most Commonly With a Gun
- Study Finds Black Women Murdered by Men Are Nearly Always Killed by Someone They Know, Most Commonly with a Gun
- Study Finds Black Women Murdered by Men Are Nearly Always Killed by Someone They Know, Most Commonly With a Gun
- Study Finds Black Women Murdered by Men Are Nearly Always Killed by Someone They Know, Most Commonly with a Gun
- Study Finds Black Women Murdered by Men Are Nearly Always Killed by Someone They Know, Most Commonly with a Gun
- Study Finds Black Women Murdered by Men Are Nearly Always Killed by Someone They Know, Most Commonly with a Gun
- Study Finds Black Women Murdered by Men Are Nearly Always Killed by Someone They Know, Most Commonly With a Gun
- Study Finds Black Women Murdered by Men Are Nearly Always Killed by Someone They Know, Most Commonly With a Gun
- Study Reveals Disproportionate Impact of Lethal Gun Violence on American Indian/Alaska Native Community
- Tally of Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Continues to Grow, Latest VPC Research Shows
- The NRA Convention in Dallas: Three Things You Need to Know
- The Violence Policy Center and One Aim Illinois Release New Study Detailing Gun Violence in Illinois
- Tree of Life Synagogue Attack is 32nd Mass Shooting by a Concealed Handgun Permit Holder
- Two Florida Law Enforcement Officers Among Latest Victims of Concealed Carry Killers
- U.S. Gun Death Rate Jumps 17 Percent Since 2008 Supreme Court District of Columbia v. Heller Decision Affirming Right to Own a Handgun for Self-Defense
- Violence Policy Center (VPC) Statement on New York Attorney General’s Call for Dissolution of National Rifle Association
- Violence Policy Center Announces Youth Against Gun Violence Scholarship Film Contest
- Violence Policy Center Announces Youth Against Gun Violence Scholarship Film Contest
- Violence Policy Center Applauds Democrats’ Plan to Reduce Gun Violence, Including a Ban on Assault Weapons
- Violence Policy Center Backgrounder on Glock 21 Pistol Used in Borderline Bar & Grill Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Backgrounder on Pistols Used in Isla Vista Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Backgrounder on Sig Sauer MCX Assault Rifle Used in the Orlando Mass Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Backgrounder: Arm Teachers? The Facts Argue Against It
- Violence Policy Center Backgrounders on SKS Assault Rifle and the Reality of Self-Defense Gun Use and Concealed Carry
- Violence Policy Center Denounces U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision to Invalidate New York State’s Concealed Handgun Law
- Violence Policy Center Launches New Online Resource on the Firearms Industry
- Violence Policy Center Report Discusses Ways to Improve Data Collection in California to Aid Violence Prevention Efforts
- Violence Policy Center Statement in Support of New Legislation Banning Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- Violence Policy Center Statement in Support of Representative Cicilline’s Bill Banning Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- Violence Policy Center Statement in Support of Senator Feinstein’s Bill Banning Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- Violence Policy Center Statement in Support of Senator Feinstein’s Landmark Bill Banning Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Biden Administration Executive Actions on Guns
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Bills to Ban “Bump-Fire” and Other Devices That Mimic Full-Auto Fire
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Boulder, Colorado Mass Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Chattanooga Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Statement on House Judiciary Committee Hearing on Gun Violence Prevention
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Indianapolis, Indiana Mass Shooting at FedEx Facility
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Lafayette, LA Movie Theater Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Las Vegas Mass Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at Capital Gazette Newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, TX
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at Civic Building in Virginia Beach, Virginia
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, CA
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at the San Jose, CA Valley Transportation Authority Light Rail Yard
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting During Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration in Monterey Park, California
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting in Hesston, Kansas
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shooting in Lewiston, Maine
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Mass Shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to U.S. Supreme Court
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Renewal of the Undetectable Firearms Ban
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Resignation of NRA Head Wayne LaPierre
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Senate Gun Violence Prevention Proposal
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Shooting in San Bernardino, California
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Sutherland Springs Mass Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Statement on the Second Anniversary of Newtown Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Today’s Vote in the U.S. Senate
- Violence Policy Center Statement on U.S. House Passage of Ban on Assault Weapons and Large-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- Violence Policy Center Statement One Year After the Newtown Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Statement Three Years After Newtown Shooting
- Violence Policy Center Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Uphold New York State’s Concealed Handgun Law, Court Hears Case Today
- Violence Policy Center Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Uphold New York’s Concealed Handgun Law to Safeguard Public Safety
- VPC Backgrounder on Ruger, the Manufacturer of the Assault Rifle Used in Lewiston, Maine Mass Shooting
- VPC da a conocer informe anual sobre mujeres asesinadas por hombres para conmemorar un suceso histórico: el vigésimo aniversario de la Ley de Protección en contra de la Violencia hacia las Mujeres
- VPC Identifies At Least 499 Fatal Non-Self Defense Incidents Involving Concealed Carry Killers
- VPC Identifies Over 500 Concealed Carry Killers, Including an NRA Lifetime Member
- VPC Issues Backgrounder on Gun Industry Marketing to Children in Wake of Georgia High School Shooting
- VPC Launches New Website and Campaign Detailing Gun Industry’s Unique Exemption from Consumer Product Safety Regulation
- VPC Releases Annual Report on Women Murdered by Men to Mark Landmark Anniversary of Violence Against Women Act
- VPC Releases John Ashcroft: Year One
- VPC Research Documents 568 Fatal Non-Self Defense Incidents Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007
- VPC Research Shows Dangers of Recent Court Decision Weakening California Concealed Carry Handgun Law
- VPC Statement on Mass Shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon
- VPC Statement on Mass Shooting in Charleston, South Carolina
- VPC Statement on Orlando Mass Shooting
- VPC Statement on Senate Confirmation of Vivek Murthy for Surgeon General
- VPC Statement on Signing of New Domestic Violence Law in South Carolina
- VPC Statement on the Passing of James Brady
- VPC Study Reveals Public Safety Threat Posed by Firearm Silencers
- Website Documents Recent Murders, Suicides by Concealed Carry Permit Holders
- Proposal #1: Prompt Destruction of Records of Allowed Transactions (§25.9(b)(1),(2) and (3))
- Proposal #2: Individual FFL Audit Logs (25.9(b)(4))
- Proposal #3: New Definition of “Unresolved” Transaction (25.2)
- Proposal #4: Require POC States To Transmit State Determinations to the NICS System (25.6(h))
- Proposal #5: Voluntary Appeals File (25.10(g))
- Publications
- Publications 2018
- Regulating the Gun Industry
- Return of Lautenberg “Lite”: McCain-Lieberman Weakens Current Law While Purporting to Close the Gun Show Loophole
- Revealing the Impacts of Gun Violence
- Silencers
- Sitemap
- Slideshows: Examples of How the Gun Industry Markets Its Militarized Weapons to Civilian Gun Buyers
- Social Media Graphics – States with Higher Gun Ownership and Weak Gun Laws Lead Nation in Suicide
- Social Media Graphics – States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2018 Confirms
- Social Media Graphics – Data Collection in California in Support of Violence Prevention: Strengths, Limitations, and Opportunities
- Social Media Graphics – Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use
- Social Media Graphics – Hispanic/Latino Suicide in California
- Social Media Graphics – When Men Murder Women
- Social Media Graphics – When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 2018 Homicide Data
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2015
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2016
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2017
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2018
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2019
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2020
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2021
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2022
- State Firearm Death Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2023
- State Gun Death Rates and Percent Change, 2009 to 2016
- State Overall Suicide Rates, Ranked by Rate, 2017
- States with Lower Gun Ownership and Stronger Gun Laws Have Lowest Suicide Rates – Social Media Graphics
- States with Lower Gun Ownership and Stronger Gun Laws Have Lowest Suicide Rates – Social Media Graphics
- States with Strong Gun Laws and Lower Gun Ownership Have Lowest Gun Death Rates in the Nation, New Data for 2019 Confirms – Social Media Graphics
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Have Highest Gun Death Rates in the Nation, New Data for 2022 Confirm – Social Media Graphics
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Have Highest Gun Death Rates in the Nation, New Data for 2023 Confirm
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2020 Confirms
- States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths, New Data for 2020 Confirms – Social Media Graphics
- Studies
- Sturm, Ruger
- Submit Public Comments to Stop the Trump Administration from Making Gun Exports Easier
- Support a Federal Assault Weapons Ban
- Support the Violence Policy Center
- Support the Violence Policy Center
- Support the Violence Policy Center
- Test of Embed code
- Test page for Donation embed
- The Gun Industry Celebrates Thanksgiving – With Guns
- The Trump administration proposes making gun exports easier. Here’s how to submit your public comment on this dangerous proposal.
- Trump Administration Reviving Federal Guns-for-Felons Program
- Types of Militarized Firearms
- Violence Policy Center Donor Privacy Policy
- Violence Policy Center Statement in Support of Bill Banning Assault Weapons and Large-Capacity Ammunition Magazines
- Violence Policy Center Statement on Buffalo, New York Mass Shooting
- VPC Backgrounder on Daniel Defense
- VPC in the News
- VPC in the News Archive
- VPC Joins Other Gun Violence Prevention Groups to File Amicus Brief Supporting the Mexican Government’s Lawsuit Against Members of the Gun Industry
- VPC Resources on Uvalde, Texas Mass Shooting
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women
- When Men Murder Women (1999 Data): Missouri
- When Men Murder Women – Social Media Graphics
- When Men Murder Women: A Review of 25 Years of Female Homicide Victimization in the United States – Social Media Graphics
- Who Is John Lott and Why is He Claiming That More Guns Mean Less Crime?
- Youth Against Gun Violence Scholarship Film Contest Social Media Graphics
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