The gun industry never misses an opportunity to market its increasingly lethal products to the American public. While most of America sees Valentine’s Day as a time of love and closeness, to the firearms industry it’s just another day to try and sell some guns. More>>
New data from the CDC show that states with the highest rates of overall gun death in the nation are those with weak gun violence prevention laws and high rates of gun ownership according to a new VPC analysis. In contrast, the five states with the lowest overall gun death rates have stronger gun violence prevention laws and lower rates of gun ownership. More>>
Members of the American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) community are disproportionately impacted by firearm violence according to a new study from the Violence Policy Center (VPC). More>>
Guns are the only consumer product manufactured in the United States that are not subject to federal health and safety regulation. This unique exemption has allowed the firearms industry to innovate for lethality rather than safety. Americans deserve to live free from the fear of gun violence. We deserve, and demand, gun industry accountability. More>>
The Violence Policy Center is a national tax-exempt educational organization working for a safer America through research, investigation, analysis, and advocacy. The VPC provides information to policymakers, journalists, organizations, advocates, and the general public. Click here to learn more.