New Study – Gun Death in Illinois: Annual Report – Released by One Aim Illinois and Violence Policy Center

For Release: Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Guns claimed nearly 1,800 Illinois lives in homicides, suicides, and unintentional deaths, according to latest data

CHICAGO — Guns claimed the lives of nearly 1,800 Illinois residents in 2022 according to Gun Death in Illinois: Annual Report, a new joint report by One Aim Illinois, the state’s leading gun violence prevention organization, and the Violence Policy Center (VPC), a national research and advocacy organization working to stop gun death and injury.

The study analyzes recently released data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on lethal gun violence in the state and compares Illinois firearm death data to other Great Lakes states (Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin). The study offers year-over-year trend analyses by sex, age, race, and ethnicity. Comparing 2021 to 2022, total firearm deaths in Illinois decreased by 9.9%, with firearm homicides dropping by 15.6%. However, firearm suicides increased by 3.0%.

The report also highlights stories of Illinois residents impacted by gun violence who are members of One Aim’s Survivors Council.

“This latest report reveals the profound toll that firearms take on our communities in Illinois, particularly in cases of homicide,” said Yolanda Androzzo, Executive Director of One Aim Illinois. “The data exposes a pressing need for collective action to tackle the intricate problem of gun violence in our state. From significant racial disparities to the escalating numbers of firearm suicides, this report should ignite the necessary change as we work towards a future where every life is safeguarded from the threat of gun violence.”

“Effective public public policy relies on comprehensive, reliable data to not only recognize public health threats but also identify effective solutions.This annual study is one more tool for advocates, organizations, and policymakers working to reduce gun violence in Illinois,” said Josh Sugarmann, Executive Director of the Violence Policy Center.

Key Findings:

  • In 2022, guns claimed the lives of 1,798 Illinois residents, including 1,091 firearm homicides and 676 firearm suicides.
  • Firearms were used in 83.2% percent of all homicides in Illinois (1,091 of 1,312).
    76.4% of the victims were Black, 7.4% were white, and 14.9% were of Hispanic ethnicity. The vast majority of victims were male – 87% of all firearm homicide victims.
  • While only 14.1% of the state’s population is Black, more than three-quarters of the state’s firearm homicide deaths occurred in the Black population.
    The Black female firearm homicide victimization rate of 10.3 per 100,000 was more than 17 times the white female firearm homicide victimization rate of 0.6 per 100,000.
  • Firearms were used in 44.1% of all suicides in Illinois in 2022 (676 of 1,533). Both the overall suicide rate and the rate of suicide by firearm is lower in Illinois compared to national rates, though both rates increased in Illinois between 2020 and 2022.
  • Since 2014, gun deaths have outpaced motor vehicle deaths across the state, a shocking fact taking into account a person’s daily exposure to motor vehicles as opposed to firearms.
  • Illinois had the highest overall homicide and firearm homicide rates for all ages as well as victims age 24 and younger compared to other Great Lakes states.

The report also cites One Aim’s 2024 policy priorities. These include Karina’s Bill, which strengthens protections for survivors of domestic violence and ensures the removal of firearms from dangerous situations, and the Homicide Victims’ Families’ Rights Act and Homicide Data Transparency Bill, which provide support, resources, and transparency for families and communities impacted by homicide.


The Violence Policy Center is a national educational organization working to stop gun death and injury. Follow the VPC on X/TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

One Aim Illinois is a black-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works to end gun violence in Illinois by educating, advocating, and organizing to translate public opinion into effective public policy. Integral to our work, One Aim leads the state’s largest grassroots coalition working to protect Illinois families from firearm violence. We also work alongside our independent partner organizations, Gun Violence Prevention PAC (G-PAC) and Gun Violence Prevention Action Committee (GVPAction) to achieve our shared goals. Learn more at

Media Contact:
Georgia Seltzer
(202) 822-8200 x104