VPC and One Aim Illinois Release New Study Detailing Gun Violence in Illinois

Guns claimed the lives of nearly 1,800 Illinois residents in 2022 according to Gun Death in Illinois: Annual Report, a new joint report by One Aim Illinois, the state’s leading gun violence prevention organization, and the Violence Policy Center (VPC). More>>

New VPC Study Reveals Thousands of “Hidden” Gun Manufacturers Across the United States

Thousands of Americans possess a federal license to manufacture firearms, yet relatively few actually produce any guns according to a new VPC study. Instead, the license can be used to bypass requirements that apply to unlicensed individuals buying a gun, such as background checks. In addition, license holders can purchase firearms interstate from wholesalers at discount and in unlimited quantities. More>>

Violence Policy Center Launches New Online Resource on the Firearms Industry

The VPC launched a new online resource center for its ongoing Campaign for Gun Industry Accountability. As the welcome page to the new website states, “Guns are the only consumer product manufactured in the United States that are not subject to federal health and safety regulation. This unique exemption has allowed the firearms industry to innovate for lethality, rather than safety.” More>>