OnLine Resource Center
Fact Sheet on Oklahoma Gun Laws and Statistics on Gun Violence in Oklahoma

Follow this link to view the new VPC report Cashing in on the New Millennium: How the Firearms Industry Exploits Y2K Fears to Sell More Guns released on 12/06/99
VPC Releases Firearms Production in America�1999 Edition (12/01/99)
U.S. Department of Justice Responds with the Facts to NRA's Misrepresentations on Gun Prosecutions
The Violence Policy Center is a national non-profit organization working to fight firearms violence through research, education, and advocacy. As a gun control "think tank," the VPC analyzes a wide range of current firearm issues and provides information to policymakers, journalists, public health professionals, grassroots activists, and members of the general public. Click here to learn more about the VPC.
Last Updated 12-06-99