Unintended Consequences
Pro-Handgun Experts Prove That Handguns Are a Dangerous Choice for
One question lies
at the heart of the public health and safety approach to gun control:
Do the risks associated with firearms outweigh their benefits?a The question
is particularly acute with respect to handguns, which are responsible
for most of America's gun violence.
The gun industry's
answer is clear. Over the last 30 years it has promoted the putative
value of handguns for self-defense more than any other benefit, such
as recreation. The gun business argues that this supposed self-defense
benefit outweighs the risk of harm from pistols and revolvers that is
demonstrated year after year in America's unparalleled handgun death
and injury rates.
This report is not
a primer on the law of self-defense and lethal force, but a brief survey
of basic principles and how experts view the matter, as it is popularly
interpreted. It illuminates the patent danger of our present practice
of allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns with only minimal screening
and hardly any educational requirements. Based on the work of widely
recognized pro-gun experts on the use of handguns for self-defense,
it demonstrates that the industry's position is false. These experts'
own words are quoted at length in this report. They show that for entirely
practical reasons handguns in particular are a dangerous choice for
all but a tiny minority of exceptionally well-trained people who maintain
their skills with regular and intensive practice. The vast majority
of handgun owners put not only themselves, but their families, their
neighbors, and wholly innocent bystanders at unreasonable risk of harm,
including death and catastrophic injury. The costs of this harm are
borne largely by the non-gun owning public.
The gun industry
has made billions of dollars and sold millions of handguns over the
last 30 years by zealously marketing pistols and revolvers as ideal
self-defense weapons.b This marketing�fueled to a major extent by handgun
imports from countries that forbid the sale of the same handguns to
their own citizens�has driven handguns from a mere eight percent of
firearms offered for sale in the civilian market in 1946 to 54 percent
in 1994.1
Gun-industry marketing
has had a clear impact on the gun-owning public. According to the National
Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the gun industry trade and lobbying
group, 63 percent of handgun owners possess their handgun primarily
for personal protection.2 The independent Police Foundation reported
in 1996 that among those who own only handguns, 74 percent reported
that self-defense was the primary reason they owned their handgun�compared
to 10.8 percent who reported target shooting and 0.5 percent who reported
hunting as the primary reason for owning a handgun. Conversely, among
those who own only long guns, 14.9 percent report self-defense
and 69.9 percent report hunting as the primary reason for owning their
Meanwhile, the National
Rifle Association (NRA) and other members of the gun lobby have succeeded
in blocking serious controls on handguns by claiming that handguns are
needed as tools for self-defense. The gun lobby's success is in large
part because the industry's arguments�aided by the pseudo-scientific
work of pro-gun advocates like author John Lott�have been accepted into
conventional wisdom to an amazing degree. Many journalists and academics
have been persuaded that handguns make their owners safer, and thus
that continuing to pour millions of handguns into our society is an
acceptable trade-off for the tens of thousands of handgun deaths, injuries,
and gun crimes we suffer annually.
Even some gun-control
advocates are pursuing various panaceas that they feel are more "politically
acceptable" than banning handguns. These include the chimera of the
"safe" or "smart" handgun,c advocating minor steps such as mandatory
safety locks,d or resuscitating the hoary and ineffective idea of licensing
and registration. In contrast to these limp panaceas, banning handguns
responds forcefully and directly to the precise factor that is causing
the carnage.
This uncritical
acceptance of the industry's self-serving risk-benefit analysis has
had another unfortunate effect: many of the five out of six Americans
who do not own a handgun have overcome their sound instincts
and come to believe, albeit grudgingly, that self-defense is a legitimate
reason for their neighbor to own a handgun.
This report demonstrates
that precisely the opposite is true. Handguns in the real world�as
opposed to the industry's fantasy world of virtuous defensive gun use�make
people who own them much less safe. Using the experts' own words, this
report shows that the overwhelming majority of people who own handguns:
- are ignorant
of�or ignore�basic handgun safety rules;
- do not have the
necessary handgun combat marksmanship skills to effectively defend
themselves without harming innocent others; and,
- are not prepared
for the extreme physiological and psychological effects that the experts,
many of whom have on-the-street law enforcement experience with firearms,
agree inevitably occur in an armed life-or-death confrontation (the
only situation in which lethal force is justified in self-defense).
The expert opinions documented in this report are staggering proof that
gun manufacturers have falsely advertised their products for decades.
Previous claims that the gun industry's advertising is misleading have
relied on academic and clinical risk studies, inferring the risk of
harm from rates of death and injury. For the first time, this report
adds to the debate the candid voices of pro-handgun experts and exposes
through expert opinion the gun industry's lies about the illusory benefits
of handguns for self-defense.
The structure of
this report is outlined below:
- The Introduction
explains the public health and safety approach to gun control and
introduces the surprising views of some pro-gun experts.
- Chapter One
outlines the history of gun-industry marketing of handguns for self-defense.
The rest of the report follows the trail of self-defense handgun ownership,
from purchase to potential use.
- Chapter Two
documents the abysmal safety practices of gun owners in homes
and businesses.
- Chapter Three
contrasts the meager training of the vast majority of handgun owners
with the demands of the real world of lethal-force encounters. It
includes a discussion of the ignorance of most gun owners of the relevant
principles of the law of self-defense.
- Chapter Four
describes what actually happens "where the rubber hits the road" in
a lethal-force encounter�the powerful psycho-physiological effects
of mortal fear that are inevitable in a lethal-force encounter. It
explains the enormous negative impact these effects have on the handgun
owner's ability to function safely and effectively.
- Chapter Five
recommends a number of policy actions.
Two appendices address points related to the risk-benefit argument:
- Appendix A
contains biographies on noted pro-gun self-defense experts quoted
in the study.
- Appendix B
is a compilation of academic rebuttals to the work of pro-gun advocate
John Lott, who has become the principal policy voice in favor of arming
Americans�including school teachers�with more handguns.
a) The public health
approach does not conflict with the purported Second Amendment right
to "keep and bear arms" because it advocates only reasonable control
of some classes of guns in relation to the risk they present to society
at large. This approach has been uniformly upheld in federal appellate
b) In the period
from 1970 to 1997, a total of 61.1 million handguns were manufactured
or imported for sale in the United States, according to data from the
U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
In 1996 alone, new handgun sales were valued at roughly $386
million. U.S. Treasury Department, Commerce in Firearms in the United
States (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, February
2000), 8. This does not include used handguns sold in the secondary
market during the same period. Such sales of firearms are estimated
to total about 40 percent of overall firearm sales.
c) One prominent
advocate of the "smart" gun went so far as to have secret meetings with
Colt's Manufacturing Company. Colt enjoyed a tax-funded grant of $500,000
from the U.S. Department of Justice to help it develop such a gun, which
it hoped would open up a vast new market. Matt Bai, "Unmaking a Gunmaker,"
Newsweek, April 17, 2000; author's telephone conversation with
advocate, April 10, 2000.
d) Safety locks
would, under the best of circumstances, prevent no more than a few hundred
of the more than 30,000 gun deaths America suffers every year. In 1998,
a total of 262 persons 19 years of age and under died of unintentional
gunshot wounds. Sherry L. Murphy, "Deaths: Final Data for 1998," National
Vital Statistics Report 48, no. 11 (2000): 67. Safety locks, if
used, might have prevented some proportion of these deaths but would
have had no effect on most of the 30,000 other deaths in that year.
to Table of Contents
All contents � 2001 Violence Policy Center
The Violence Policy Center is a national non-profit educational foundation
that conducts research on violence in America and works to develop violence-reduction
policies and proposals. The Center examines the role of firearms in America,
conducts research on firearms violence, and explores new ways to decrease
firearm-related death and injury. |