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Unintended Consequences

Pro-Handgun Experts Prove That Handguns Are a Dangerous Choice for Self-Defense


  1. Data from U.S. Treasury Department, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division. Handguns accounted for 48 percent of all firearms available for sale on the civilian market in the period 1990-1997 (latest year available), as compared to 11 percent in the period 1946 (earliest year available) through 1949.
  2. National Shooting Sports Foundation, Profile of the Shooting Sports: 1996 (Newtown, Conn.: NSSF, October 1997), 15.
  3. Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig, Guns in America: Results of a Comprehensive National Survey on Firearms Ownership and Use (Washington, D.C.: Police Foundation, 1996), 39.
  4. Data sources: "Fatal Firearm Injuries in the United States, 1962-1994," Violence Surveillance Summary Series, No. 3 (Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 1997); Robert N. Anderson, "Report of Final Mortality Statistics, 1995," Monthly Vital Statistics Report 45, no. 11 (1997); Kimberly D. Peters et al., "Deaths: Final Data for 1996," National Vital Statistics Report 47, no. 9 (1998); Donna L. Hoyert et al., "Deaths: Final Data for 1997," National Vital Statistics Report 47, no. 19 (1999).
  5. FBI Supplementary Homicide Report data, 1998.
  6. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 7.
  7. Duane Thomas, The Truth About Handguns: Exploding the Myths, Hype, and Misinformation (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1997), 45 (emphasis in original).
  8. See, e.g., U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Commerce in Firearms in the United States (February 2000), 7.
  9. Arthur L. Kellermann, "Do Guns Matter?," The Western Journal of Medicine 161 (December 1994): 614.
  10. 15 U.S. Code § 2052(a)(1)(E).
  11. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 1.
  12. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 91.
  13. Paul M. Barrett et al., "Behind the Gun Pact: Mixing Legal Hardball With Personal Bonds," Wall Street Journal, 21 March 2000, p. A1.
  14. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 7.
  15. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 38.
  16. Production figures in this section are based on data from U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, "Civilian Firearms—Domestic Production, Importation and Exportation," in files of Violence Policy Center.
  17. Shooting Industry, July 1999, 38.
  18. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 40.
  19. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 50.
  20. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 50.
  21. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 2.
  22. Michael A. Bellesiles, "The Origins of Gun Culture in the United States, 1760-1865," in Guns in America: A Reader, eds. Jan E. Dizard, Robert Merrill Muth, and Stephen P. Andrews, Jr. (New York: New York University Press), 19.
  23. Michael A. Bellesiles, "The Origins of Gun Culture in the United States, 1760-1865," in Guns in America: A Reader, eds. Jan E. Dizard, Robert Merrill Muth, and Stephen P. Andrews, Jr. (New York: New York University Press), 27.
  24. Michael A. Bellesiles, "The Origins of Gun Culture in the United States, 1760-1865," in Guns in America: A Reader, eds. Jan E. Dizard, Robert Merrill Muth, and Stephen P. Andrews, Jr. (New York: New York University Press), 20.
  25. Michael A. Bellesiles, "The Origins of Gun Culture in the United States, 1760-1865," in Guns in America: A Reader, eds. Jan E. Dizard, Robert Merrill Muth, and Stephen P. Andrews, Jr. (New York: New York University Press), 34.
  26. Michael A. Bellesiles, "The Origins of Gun Culture in the United States, 1760-1865," in Guns in America: A Reader, eds. Jan E. Dizard, Robert Merrill Muth, and Stephen P. Andrews, Jr. (New York: New York University Press), 29.
  27. David T. Courtwright, "The Cowboy Subculture," in Guns in America: A Reader, eds. Jan E. Dizard, Robert Merrill Muth, and Stephen P. Andrews, Jr. (New York: New York University Press, 1999), 87.
  28. David T. Courtwright, "The Cowboy Subculture," in Guns in America: A Reader, eds. Jan E. Dizard, Robert Merrill Muth, and Stephen P. Andrews, Jr. (New York: New York University Press, 1999), 96.
  29. David T. Courtwright, "The Cowboy Subculture," in Guns in America: A Reader, eds. Jan E. Dizard, Robert Merrill Muth, and Stephen P. Andrews, Jr. (New York: New York University Press, 1999), 96.
  30. Hugh Davis Graham and Ted Robert Gurr, The History of Violence in America (New York: Bantam Books, 1970), 486.
  31. Joseph Albright, "Two short guns vie for pocket space; Chiefs Special and Undercover: Weapons coveted by Discriminating Thugs," article reprinted in series titled "The Snub-Nosed Killers, Handguns in America," by Cox Newspaper Services, Fall 1981, p. 10, 11.
  32. Production figures in this section are based on data from U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, "Civilian Firearms—Domestic Production, Importation, and Exportation."
  33. "NRA's Violent Crime Ads Hit Home," American Rifleman, January 1988, 50. The NRA also marketed a "Principles of Home Defense" video promoting the use of firearms. See advertisement in American Rifleman, July 1987, 16.
  34. Greg Cox, "A Call to Arms: Facing Tough Competition, Smith & Wesson's New CEO Presses Ahead With Sweeping Changes," Business West 9, no. 7 (1992): 17.
  35. "Shot Show Indicates Defense Guns on the Roll," Shooting Industry, April 1997, 16.
  36. Massad Ayoob, "The Defensive Market Today," Shooting Industry, February 1997, 20.
  37. Massad Ayoob, "'Trend Crimes' and the Gun Dealer," Shooting Industry, March 1993, 18.
  38. Alix M. Freedman, "Tinier, Deadlier Pocket Pistols Are in Vogue," Wall Street Journal, 12 September 1996, B1.
  39. Jim Schneider, "More Gun Permits Equal More Gun Sales," Shooting Industry, February 1997, 12.
  40. Jim Grover, "Don't Be a Victim!," Guns & Ammo, July 1992, 21 (emphasis in original).
  41. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 81.
  42. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self-Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), xi (emphasis in original).
  43. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  44. "Shoot, Don't Shoot," ABC NEWS, downloaded February 9, 2000, from; INTERNET.
  45. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 37.
  46. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 202.
  47. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 65.
  48. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 95.
  49. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  50. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 95.
  51. Dave Lauck,"Firearms Safety and Tactical Training," Tactical Shooter, January 2000, 77.
  52. "City Man Accidentally Shoots Wife in Leg," Morning Call (Allentown), 20 December 1999, p. B3.
  53. Stacey Range, "Woman Moving Pile of Clothes Accidentally Shoots Husband," Omaha World-Herald, 17 June 1999, p. 14.
  54. "Wife of Orono police captain injured in accidental shooting," Associated Press, 11 February 1999; "Spouse Accidentally Shoots Wife at Home," Daily News of Los Angeles, 20 November 1998.
  55. "Wife dies when doctor accidentally shoots gun," Indianapolis News, 30 November 1998, p. B2.
  56. Greg Rippee, "Man Explaining Gun's Safety to Wife Kills Self," Los Angeles Times, 26 June 1997, p. B5.
  57. "Ozark County man says he accidentally shot wife in the head," Associated Press, 6 April 2000.
  58. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self-Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 31 (emphasis in original).
  59. Duane Thomas, The Truth About Handguns: Exploding the Myths, Hype, and Misinformation (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1997), 27 (emphasis in original).
  60. Chip Parkinson, "S.L. Officer is Faulted in Shooting," Deseret News (Salt Lake City), 29 February 1996, p. 1.
  61. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 96.
  62. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1996), 4-5.
  63. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 122, 125.
  64. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 100.
  65. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 123.
  66. "5-Year-Old Loads, Fires Pistol," Gun Week, March 20, 2000, 2.
  67. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 8-9.
  68. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1996), 7.
  69. Jim Williamson, "The Issue of Stopping Power: Which Ammo Is Most Effective?" Gun Week, March 1, 2000, 1,7.
  70. Massad Ayoob, "Tips on Defensive Ammo Sales," Shooting Industry, January 2000, 14.
  71. Massad Ayoob, "Tips on Defensive Ammo Sales," Shooting Industry, January 2000, 14.
  72. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 142.
  73. Sandy Coleman, "Pain doesn't end for officer who shot her son," Boston Globe, 25 August 1992, Metro/Region, p. 1.
  74. Spouse Accidentally Shoots Wife at Home," Daily News of Los Angeles, 20 November 1998.
  75. "Off-duty cop accidentally shoots neighbor through apartment wall," Star Tribune (Minneapolis), 6 November 1993, p. B2.
  76. Michael Cooper, "Safir Says a Report Finds New Bullets Less Deadly," New York Times, 7 March 1997, p. B3.
  77. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 51.
  78. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 52-56.
  79. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 57.
  80. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 47.
  81. Duane Thomas, The Truth About Handguns: Exploding the Myths, Hype, and Misinformation (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1997), 42 (emphasis in original).
  82. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  83. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 59-60.
  84. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 43.
  85. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 28-30 (emphasis in original); see also "Gun Firm Not Liable In ‘92 Pizzeria Heist," Arizona Republic, 24 July 1996; John Rawlinson, "‘Small-Town' Spirit Opens Mariano's Pizza Doors," Arizona Daily Star, 5 September 1992.
  86. "‘Limp-Wristing' Pistols," American Rifleman, August 1997, 22.
  87. Todd Venezia, "Store Owner Kills Partner in Simulated Robbery," APBnews Online, Inc., downloaded December 4, 1999 from; INTERNET.
  88. Bill Duryea, "Accident sends grandson to join grocer in hospital," St. Petersburg Times, 15 May 1997, p. B1.
  89. "Charges dropped against shop owner," United Press International, 28 December 1996.
  90. "Probe Finds Jeweler Shot Wife by Accident," The Record (Bergen), 1 April 1995, p. A6.
  91. Massad F. Ayoob, The Semiautomatic Pistol in Police Service and Self-Defense (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, Publishers, 1987), 12.
  92. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 86.
  93. Duane Thomas, The Truth About Handguns: Exploding the Myths, Hype, and Misinformation (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1997), 69 (emphasis in original).
  94. Dick Fairburn, "Training Issues Gained from the PMA/Fairburn Stopping Power Survey," Police Marksman, November/December 1993, 15-16.
  95. Jim Williamson, "The Issue of Stopping Power: Which Ammo Is Most Effective?" The New Gun Week, March 1, 2000, 1, 7.
  96. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1996), 32-33.
  97. "Man Is Accidentally Shot by Police Officer," New York Times, 12 August 1995.
  98. Michael Cooper, "Safir Says a Report Finds New Bullets Less Deadly," New York Times, 7 March 1997, p. B3.
  99. Jack Daly, "Mebane Officer Avoids Charges in Boy's Shooting," News & Record (Greensboro), 22 July 1999, p. B5.
  100. Dave Birkland, "Officer Who Shot Dog, Partner Cleared," Seattle Times, 9 May 1996, p. B7.
  101. Peter Fimrite, "Oakland Policeman Shot Trying to Subdue Dog," San Francisco Chronicle, 20 December 1994, p. A20.
  102. "Officer Recovering," Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale), 6 December 1994, p. B3.
  103. "Police hit bystanders' car in shootout," Associated Press, 20 May 1999.
  104. Matea Gold, "Officer Shoots Bank Worker at Robbery," Los Angeles Times, 10 October 1996, p. B3.
  105. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 28.
  106. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun in Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 2.
  107. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 94.
  108. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 170.
  109. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 117.
  110. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun in Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 58.
  111. Gabriel Suarez, The Tactical Advantage: A Definitive Study of Personal Small-Arms Tactics (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1998), 6.
  112. Gabriel Suarez, The Tactical Advantage: A Definitive Study of Personal Small-Arms Tactics (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1998), 7.
  113. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 172.
  114. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 40 (emphasis in original).
  115. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 5.
  116. Robert M. Irwin, "Civilians, Guns & Self-Defense," The Police Marksman, May/June 1996, 46.
  117. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 45 (emphasis in original).
  118. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 10.
  119. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun in Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 43 (emphasis in original).
  120. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 19.
  121. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 21.
  122. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 21.
  123. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 33-34.
  124. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 28.
  125. Robert M. Irwin, "Civilians, Guns & Self-Defense," The Police Marksman, May/June 1996, 46.
  126. John R. Lott, Jr., More Guns, Less Crime (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998), 3.
  127. Otis Dudley Duncan, "Gun Use Surveys: In Numbers We Trust?" The Criminologist, January/February 2000, 1-7.
  128. Jim Grover, "Mind this Principle: Wits, Not Weaponry, Should Be Your First Line of Defense in Dealing With Danger," Guns & Ammo, March 2000, 10.
  129. Lee Romney, "Man Kills Wife With Gun While Driving," Los Angeles Times, 8 September 1997, p. B1.
  130. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun in Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 33.
  131. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1996), 71-72.
  132. Chuck Taylor, "Proper Instruction is Vital," in The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery, 4th ed. (Iola, Wis.: Krause Publications, 1997), 89-90.
  133. Chuck Taylor, "Speed and Tactical Reloading," in The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery, 4th ed. (Iola, Wis.: Krause Publications, 1997), 126.
  134. Tony Lesce, "Instinctive Shooting," Police Marksman, January/February 1994, 12.
  135. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill.: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 33.
  136. George T. Williams and Daniel C. Friend, "Common Tactical Myths, Or Separating the Mythical Chaff From the Tactical Wheat!," Police Marksman, September/October 1991, 18.
  137. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1996), 73.
  138. Dick Fairburn, "Training Issues Gained from the PMA/Fairburn Stopping Power Survey," Police Marksman, November/December 1993, 15.
  139. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1996), 59.
  140. George T. Williams, "The Proper Weapon Hold on a Suspect," Police Marksman, November/December 1993, 44.
  141. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1997), 15.
  142. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1997), 69, 71.
  143. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 117.
  144. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill.: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 57.
  145. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo: Paladin Press, 1996), 76.
  146. Chuck Taylor, "Proper Instruction is Vital," in The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery, 4th ed. (Iola, Wis.: Krause Publications, 1997), 84-85.
  147. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 15.
  148. Chuck Taylor, "Carry Compacts: Potent Handguns for New Millennium," Gun World, March 2000, 22, 24.
  149. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill.: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 56 (emphasis in original).
  150. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill.: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), xv (emphasis in original).
  151. Dick Fairburn, "Training Issues Gained from the PMA/Fairburn Stopping Power Survey," Police Marksman, November/December 1993, 17.
  152. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1996), 13; see also, Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 138.
  153. Massad F. Ayoob, The Semiautomatic Pistol in Police Service and Self-Defense (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, Publishers, 1987), 23.
  154. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1996), 114.
  155. Duane Thomas, The Truth About Handguns: Exploding the Myths, Hype, and Misinformation (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 38.
  156. Dick Fairburn, "Training Issues Gained from the PMA/Fairburn Stopping Power Survey," Police Marksman, November/December 1993, 15.
  157. Scott Baltic, "DEA Chicago Survival School," Police Marksman, November/December 1993, 21-22.
  158. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill.: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 33.
  159. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  160. Massad F. Ayoob, Stressfire (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1999), 6.
  161. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 33 (emphasis in original).
  162. Quoted in Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 177.
  163. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  164. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 38.
  165. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  166. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  167. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 42.
  168. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 38.
  169. Massad F. Ayoob, Stressfire (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1999), 6.
  170. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 42.
  171. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 178.
  172. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  173. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  174. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 178-79.
  175. Duane Thomas, The Truth About Handguns: Exploding the Myths, Hype, and Misinformation (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 83.
  176. Duane Thomas, The Truth About Handguns: Exploding the Myths, Hype, and Misinformation (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 72-73.
  177. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  178. Massad F. Ayoob, Stressfire (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1999), 7.
  179. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  180. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 187.
  181. Massad F. Ayoob, Stressfire (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1999), 42.
  182. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 45.
  183. George T. Williams and Daniel C. Friend, "Common Tactical Myths, Or Separating the Mythical Chaff From the Tactical Wheat!," Police Marksman, September/October 1991, 19.
  184. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 154; see also, Massad F. Ayoob, The Semiautomatic Pistol in Police Service and Self-Defense (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, Publishers, 1987), 43 ("Historically, auto pistols jam more often than revolvers").
  185. George T. Williams and Daniel C. Friend, "Common Tactical Myths, Or Separating the Mythical Chaff From the Tactical Wheat!," Police Marksman, September/October 1991, 19.
  186. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 72.
  187. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  188. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 39.
  189. Massad F. Ayoob, Stressfire (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1999), 7.
  190. Chris Bird, The Concealed Handgun Manual: How to Choose, Carry, and Shoot a Gun in Self Defense (San Antonio: Privateer Publications, 1998), 163-64.
  191. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  192. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 40.
  193. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  194. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  195. Massad F. Ayoob, in training video, Physio-Psychological Aspects of Violent Encounters (Police Bookshelf, undated videocassette).
  196. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen, Deadly Force Encounters: What Cops Need to Know to Mentally and Physically Prepare for and Survive a Gunfight (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1997), 43-44.
  197. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1996), 73.
  198. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill.: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 43.
  199. George James, "An Officer Who Shot a Colleague Is Convicted of Lesser of Charges," New York Times, 27 March 1996, p. A1; David Firestone and Joe Sexton, "Shots in the Subway: A Split-Second Misjudgment Fuses the Lives of 2 Officers," New York Times, 28 August 1994.
  200. "Rhode Island Cops Kill A Black Off-Duty Officer," Jet, February 28, 2000, 39.
  201. Leigh Hooper, "Shooting of deputy leads police to add 911 backup procedures," Austin American-Statesman, 7 February 1998, p. A11.
  202. Massad F. Ayoob, In the Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection (Massad F. and Dorothy A. Ayoob, 1980), 30 (emphasis in original).
  203. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill.: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 32.
  204. Jim Cirillo, Guns, Bullets, and Gunfights: Lessons and Tales from a Modern-Day Gunfighter (Boulder, Colo.: Paladin Press, 1996), 99.
  205. Bill Clede, The Practical Pistol Manual: How to Use a Handgun for Self Defense (Ottawa, Ill.: Jameson Books, Inc., 1997), 53 (emphasis in original).
  206. Data sources: "Fatal Firearm Injuries in the United States, 1962-1994," Violence Surveillance Summary Series, No. 3 (Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 1997); Robert N. Anderson, "Report of Final Mortality Statistics, 1995," Monthly Vital Statistics Report 45, no. 11 (1997); Kimberly D. Peters et al., "Deaths: Final Data for 1996," National Vital Statistics Report 47, no. 9 (1998); Donna L. Hoyert et al., "Deaths: Final Data for 1997," National Vital Statistics Report 47, no. 19 (1999).
  207. Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig, Guns in America: Results of a Comprehensive National Survey on Firearms Ownership and Use (Washington, D.C.: Police Foundation, 1996), 13.
  208. Marianne W. Zawitz, "Guns Used in Crime: Firearms, Crime, and Criminal Justice," Guns and Crime (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, July 1995), 2.
  209. Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig, Guns in America: Results of a Comprehensive National Survey on Firearms Ownership and Use (Washington, D.C.: Police Foundation, 1996), 13.
  210. Lois A. Fingerhut et al., "International Comparative Analysis of Injury Mortality," Advance Data 303 (October 7, 1998), 15.
  211. Patrick A. Langan and David P. Farrington, Crime and Justice in the United States and in England and Wales, 1981-96 (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1998).
  212. Susan P. Baker, "Without Guns, Do People Kill People?," American Journal of Public Health 75 (June 1985): 587-588.
  213. FBI Supplementary Homicide Report data, 1998.
  214. FBI Supplementary Homicide Report data, 1998.
  215. Marianne W. Zawitz, "Guns Used in Crime: Firearms, Crime, and Criminal Justice," Guns and Crime (Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice, July 1995), 1.
  216. Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig, Guns in America: Results of a Comprehensive National Survey on Firearms Ownership and Use (Washington, D.C.: Police Foundation, 1996), 57.
  217. FBI Supplementary Homicide Report data, 1990-1998.
  218. Arthur L. Kellermann and Donald T. Reay, "Protection or Peril? An Analysis of Firearm-Related Deaths in the Home," New England Journal of Medicine 314, no. 24 (1986): 1557-1560
  219. For an examination of methodological flaws in studies often cited by pro-gun advocates, see David Hemenway, "Survey Research and Self-Defense Gun Use: An Explanation of Extreme Over-estimates," The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 87, no. 4 (1997): 1430-1445, and Daniel W. Webster et al., "Flawed Gun Policy Research Could Endanger Public Safety," American Journal of Public Health 87, no. 6 (1997): 918-921.

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The Violence Policy Center is a national non-profit educational foundation that conducts research on violence in America and works to develop violence-reduction policies and proposals. The Center examines the role of firearms in America, conducts research on firearms violence, and explores new ways to decrease firearm-related death and injury.