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A State-by-State Ranking of Gun Shows, Gun Retailers, Machine Guns, and Gun Manufacturers

Section One: Gun Shows

States with the Highest Number of Gun Shows, 1998

Rank State Number of Shows1
1 Texas 472
2 Pennsylvania 250
3 Florida 224
4 Illinois 203
5 California 188
6 Indiana 180
7 North Carolina 170
8 Oregon 160
9 Ohio 148
10 Nevada 129

1Gun show data available only for the top 10 states.

Source: Gun Shows: Brady Checks and Crime Gun Traces, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, January 1999.

Go to Section Two: Licensed Firearm Retailers

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The Violence Policy Center is a national non-profit educational foundation that conducts research on violence in America and works to develop violence-reduction policies and proposals. The Center examines the role of firearms in America, conducts research on firearms violence, and explores new ways to decrease firearm-related death and injury.

All contents � 2000 Violence Policy Center